SITM: Two Heroes

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"I-Island?" Izuku questioned looking at the man as he peered back through the rear view mirror of his all black sedan. "You mean that super advanced moving island!? Of course I've heard about it!"

All Might smiled, "I expected nothing less of you, my boy! Always a diligent analyst."

"You mean total nerd?" Kyoka voiced through her phone's text-to-speech, causing the greenette to blush and pout rather angrily at her. She attempted to laugh, only for her throat to disagree entirely with her actions. The greenette beside her smirked rather smugly at that.

"That's karma. Besides, it's not like I'm the only one who's invested in it! Heroes from across the globe are excited, let alone the hero enthusiasts and scientists that are gonna be present!" The greenette exclaimed. He was about to go on one of his famous muttering fits before a jack pressed up against his lips to shush him.

"Well, it's good that you're well informed, Young Midoriya." All Might started, taking a turn down a street before continuing. "I just wanted to let you two know that I hoped to invite you there when I go. Since your summer break starts tomorrow I was hoping that I could have you two tag along to learn a thing or two, and meet an old friend of mine before you go out for the summer training camp."

"WAIT YOU-" Izuku started, before pausing as Kyoka winced at the presence of a loud noise. Giving her an apologetic expression he continued; "Y-You want to take us to I-Island!? This sounds too good to be true!"

"Yes, well I thought it would be a good experience for the two of you as you may have business there in the future as pro heroes." The blonde explained, smiling as Izuku's eyes glistened with amazement while Kyoka just smiled at the fact that he was happy.

"It is a pretty cool opportunity, I think we should go." Kyoka conveyed through her text-to-speech once again. Izuku nodded in excitement before his expression changed to one of worry.

"Oh, but Kyoka isn't fully healed yet... I-I don't think it would be good for her to travel." He expressed, turning to face her with fear that she may harm herself even more if she went somewhere as crowded as I-Island.

"Well, you two are gonna go see Recovery Girl tomorrow to finish Young Jiro's treatment, correct?" All Might started, "Well, you two will need some formal clothing for an event late into the night. I've even heard rumors of a dance, so perhaps you two could attend and really wow the crowd!"

Izuku and Kyoka both blushed at the man's lighthearted teasing, though Kyoka wasn't entirely against the idea. "W-Well, I guess if that's the case we could go clothes shopping after visiting Recovery Girl and make a whole day out of it? Th-That is i-if we're allowed to go, and even then we don't even know when this event-"

"It's in two days, so you'll have tomorrow to prepare."

"-...W-Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt, right? A-Are you okay with going, Kyoka? I-I know you probably don't want to see me nerding out the entire time." Izuku continued, glancing back towards her after All Might's interruption.

The purple haired girl cupped her chin as she thought it over. On the plus side, she could see her boyfriend smiling and having a good time, but at the same time it would be pretty crowded and loud. Weighing her options she figured that the pros outweighed the cons, and nodded in agreement. Hell, a dance with her boyfriend, as cheesy as it seemed, sounded like a romantically perfect night to have together.

The two men smiled brightly before the car came to a halt, they had arrived at Jiro's place of residence. "Oh! We're here, Kyoka. I'll get out with her so we can explain everything to her parents."

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