Into The Darkness

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So I didn't look for her. I told myself I wouldn't.

I mean, why look for the girl I love, yeah?

I was an idiot in that moment, I confess. I just clutched my hook rod tight in my blue fin hand and stared angrily ahead of the fish farm, protecting its gates.

Something in me told me she'd be coming back. She had ALSO said that she loved me too... so? What was it that my best friend Luca had said?

"You'll just meet the right girl and it'll happen. It won't have a chance of not happening because you'll want it to happen, even with your better judgment."

So... why was it NOT happening? Twitch twitch. I could feel my left eye twitching in paranoia to those words.

But no. I was not going to be the one to make up and be all, 'I'm so sowry,". I hadn't DONE anything.

It was soon getting dark, and two hours had passed. But still, I glared ahead at the open ocean, my heart beating steadily but each thump hurt me.

Hurt me, because of her...

I needed to check the time. I had to know how long I'd been out here so I began to leave my post and head to the island. When I reached its shores my scales quickly began to dry and turn to tanned human skin. I stomped over to the stone castle tower and climbed it to the second floor where I had kept all the knick knacks I'd found of humans before, y'know, I actually knew humans.

I went to the stand where the watch usually was, but that's the funny thing, it wasn't.

It was GONE.

And all there was left was a note. I clenched my eyes closed in fear. Notes left behind were never any good. And I knew who this note was from.

I slowly and wearily opened it at its bent middle, unfolding and seeing the words left with black ink.

Alberto, I'm sorry, but I'm leaving. Please don't ask why... it's better this way... I took the watch to remember you. I'm sorry... but I don't belong here. Please understand, and please forgive me.

Tears were literally showering down from my eyes. I crumpled the paper up and stuffed it in my pocket. I was not going to let her go without an explanation. Why was I so dumb before that I had not GONE AFTER HER?!

I dived back into the deep blue ocean and swam with uncontrollable speed in the direction I had last seen her go.

But... I didn't know which way to go. Or how far away she was now. Whether she was below me or to my right or left.

I was lost.

I saw a school of fish nearby and did the most desperate thing I had ever done.

I asked them where she had gone, in fish body language, I'm ashamed to even admit that (It looked so lame).

I approached the fish as they just stared at me with their wide opened brainless eyes.

Do you know where the pink sea monster has gone?

The fish all stared at me mystified, probably shocked that I was even acknowledging them.

Please, I begged, doing the body signs in desperation and one fish finally swam forward. He looked at me carefully and then nodded his whole body (Cos, y'know, fish don't have necks?)

He began to swim away from the school, and I turned back to look at them once more... their eyes, I tell you... not one bit of intelligence.

I soon had to swallow my bias judgment though as the fish that led my along did seem to have some sense to him.

Love Comes in All Sizes (Companion Sequel Fic to "Uniquely the Same")Where stories live. Discover now