September 22nd, 2020, Tuesday

7 2 0

            Mr. McCarthy's irritation with the class seemed almost at a boiling point as he rushed through the last few lessons that would be relevant to the test.

"Ok, if everyone understands this, then you can all start working on the practice sheet I'll be handing out. It's not graded, but I would highly recommend finishing this before Friday,"

McCarthy handed out the sheets to a girl in the front row so she could pass them around. I could hear a few of my fellow students groan at the thought of more work, even if it were optional.

"After these get to everyone, there are just a few more things that I wanted to go over before we can have some open time where you can work or ask me questions," McCarthy was shuffling the papers around on his desk, looking for something.

I got a chance to look over the review sheet after it landed on my desk. It didn't look hard by any means, but McCarthy managed to pack in as many questions as he could.

I started mindlessly chipping at the questions as McCarthy continued his lesson. I got a text from Oliver soon after McCarthy finished.

From: Oliver

Oliver: dude im so glad that you got those answers

Oliver: I woulda been seriously fucked

Ryan: Isn't this all review, though?

Ryan: You should have seen all of this last year.

Oliver: do you think i was paying attention last year

Oliver: no bro

Ryan: So you never saw this problem coming?

Oliver: who uses math in real life though

Ryan: Plenty of jobs do.

Oliver: well yeah

Oliver: but name one job where math is like a life or death situation

Ryan: Anesthesiologist?

Oliver: isnt that dinosaur bones

Oliver: you cant kill the dinos dude they are already dead

Ryan: That's an archeologist.

Ryan: The spelling isn't even that close.

Ryan: How did you fuck that up so bad?

Oliver: maybe im doing it on purpose to fuck with you

Oliver: perhaps ive been smart all along and this has all been my scheme

Oliver: pull a double turnaround reversal on you


Oliver: now ive reeled you in with my big brain

Oliver: youll never doubt my super smarts ever again

Ryan: Ok, you can tell that to Anna when she comes over to look at your car.

Oliver: aww damnit

Oliver: i was trying to forget that was today dude

Oliver: i cant even pull that shit on her

Oliver: she would kick my ass

Ryan: I doubt it would be that serious

Oliver: naw it is

Oliver: thats her favorite threat to use on me

Ryan: Really?

Oliver: she only uses it when im trying to mess with her or her friends

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