Godzilla mothra anguirus and rodan were a bit antsy to come into such a strange world as this. But it was really unique to them. They never saw such a strange world as this one. Everywhere they looked it seemed like the only inhabitants of this world was talking earth ponies, Pegasi and unicorns
Godzilla himself was a bit on the surprised side as he never could have imagined a world run by ponies. If the main inhabitants of this village were this civilized, the couldn't imagine who the ruler of this land was
Eventually they make it up to the city but to a distance so they wouldn't cause a panic. That's when he set his sights on a huge castle
It was so majestic and beautiful that the only word he spoke out was
Godzilla.... incredible
They all went to the castle as they were anxious to meet the ruler of this land. Ever really they make it to the throne room where their sitting on her throne, was princess celestia
She herself was shocked to see such large reptiles in her throne room. So much so that two of her royal guards came up to the towering behemoths
Godzilla charged up, anguirus spammed his tail to the floor, rodan soread his wings, and mothra took to the air. But Celestia spread her wings making the guards stop. The earth pony guard returned to his post as the Pegasus guard did an "I'm watching you look". Godzilla stepped toward her majesty and with his friends, kneeled down before her radiance
Godzilla: we mean you no harm your majesty. I am Godzilla, king of a race of giant creatures called, Titans. This is my queen mothra
Mothra: greetings
Godzilla: my best friend anguirus
Anguirus: hi!
And my second best friend rodan
Rodan: wuzzup?
Celestia: Titans? What are you doing here in equestria?
Godzilla: so this is what this land is?
Mothra: you see, their is a rogue Titans on the loose. His name is flamerampagiapiono. He was transformed from a scorpion tailed iguana from an asteroid that crashed 65 million years ago. With him at large, no one is safe
Celestia: can this beast be stopped?
Godzilla: we tried, but he's far too strong. But maybe with other warriors... theirs a chance
Celestia: warriors?
Godzilla: yes your majesty. If we could create a sort of portal, we could perhaps bring creatures from other realms here to help defeat fampagia once and for all, and maybe help with a brighter future for this land
Anguirus: but how are we gonna know which ones to summon?
Celestia gave it some though, until finally
Celestia: maybe I can help with that
Godzilla; thank you your excellency
Celestia: wait here
Celestia flew off leaving the four wondering what she was getting, until finally she came up to them with a small book
Celestia; here. Maybe this will help
Celestia gives the book to Godzilla and inside was an encyclopedia of characters from all sorts of different worlds, from sentient dinosaurs, to anthropomorphic animals, to creatures of the ice age
Godzilla; these are the ones that well summon
Anguirus: even a literal flea circus and Australian fish?
Godzilla: anything to save this land
Celestia: it may upset the balance of the space time continuum, but it's worth the risk to save our world and countless others. Good lucky my little pony!
Rodan: actually, Godzilla anguirus and me are reptiles, and mothra is a hint moth
Celestia: oh. Right. Sorry
The four leave the room with anguirus noticing Celestia blushing
Anguirus: I think she likes you
Mothra wing slaps him considering she was Godzilla's queen and mate
Celestia: what interesting creatures. They deserve their own kingdom!
Later, Godzilla and the others make their own little portal as rodan goes to get the others. Godzilla just finishes up his special recording message and sends it to the worlds he was sending it toAnguirus: ya sure this is gonna work pal? This thing hasn't even been tested
Godzilla: anything is worth the risk. Besides, this is the chance to summon the bravest, most courageous, most notorious worries of all the multiverse!
Godzilla and friends: the movie
FanfictionThis is the first comic I ever made and I want to share it to all Wattpad. Now since this is its own series, I'm making separate films and seasons like a real animated series, starting with my first comic, "attack of flamerampagiapiono". The one th...