Chapter One

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        I woke up to a cold hand on my bare shoulder. It was the nurse who was taking care of me or Lucas which ever one you want to say. "Sir I brought you your clothes." She took a step back and I realized she was holding some folded up clothes in her arms. Her face was incredibly pale and mostly emotionless. She kind of reminded me of a vampire in a way.

        "Ummmm yeah thanks." I started getting up as she put the clothes on a chair.

         "I finished your paper work so all you have to do is sign it and you can go." she said as she left the room. I really don't think she likes me that much. But I did as told and changed into the clothes.

          When I finished I looked in the full length mirror on the back of the door. Lucas looked different than I remember myself as. He had sandy brown hair and light brown eyes both turned darker due to me possessing him. His skin was tan with freckles bit now it was pale and the freckles were barely visible. My only problem with the way he looked was his style of clothing. The jeans were way too baggy and his worn out dark green sweatshirt really wasn't my favorite color. Really it was my least favorite.

         I went down to the front desk to sign out. When I got there the vanpire nurse was holding a clipboard with the papers on it. "Here Mr.Goodman all you have to do is sign these and you can go."

         "Ummm thanks." I took the clipboard from her hands and tried to rake my brain for his name. So his last name was Goodman, now all I have to do is figure out his first. I started to tap the pen on the clipboard until the vampire lady gave a weak cough and I stopped. I just started into space until it came to me. Lucas. His first name was Lucas. I tried to jot down a signature as best I could. It looked absolutely terrible. I hid it with my hand as best I could while passing it back to the nurse and left the hospital.

          When I got outside there was a bike racket a black bike on it. It seemed familiar, like I should know it somehow. Then I felt a pain right above my temple and it came to me. It was Lucas' bike. One of his friends must of brought, it seemed weird cause I don't recall any of his friends coming to the hospital. The pain was gone after a minute and I went over and got on the bike. It felt horrible when I sat on it, but I still tried to ride it (I fell at least ten times before I even left the lot).

             I rode it as best I could until I cane to a green house that seemed familiar. I leaned the bike against a tree and went to the door. I checked to see if there was a key or something in my pocket. There was. It fit in the key hole and the door opened. Even though I've never exactly seen the house before I knew exactly where everything was. I went up the stairs to his room.

           It was in the attic so it was the biggest room in the house (also the messiest). I made it over to his dresser maneuvering through his mess. "God why are humans so messy." I found his wallet and went through it. He had a hundred dollar, a fake ID, some pictures, and a drivers license. "Sweet I can drive." I grinned as i put his wallet back in order.

           I left the room and went back down to the kitchen raking my brain for where his parents were. Then I remembered that they had died and he was living with his aunt. Also that she was on a business trip and had been gone for two weeks and had no idea this happened.

         I got mad. I don't know why I just did. I think it's because no one, no matter the spieces, should leave a sixteen year old alone for two weeks. I ran up the stairs into his room and started throwing things into a bag. When I finished his room was just about spotless, I then ran out of the house to the bike. No, I wouldn't get back on that demonic device again. So I ran back into his room and grabbed the license and a set of car keys, I mean if Lucas could drive how hard could it be. Back outside I got into the car and started it.

         When I got on the road I was starting to wish I took the bike instead. I nearly crashed in a ditch three times, and I couldn't get what were the breaks and what was the gas. How could humans make this look so easy? Maybe you just had to be simple minded to drive. I thought as I nearly crashed into a tree. This was going to be a fun trip.

          It was getting dark before I even started to get the hang of driving. Maybe I should just to check into a hotel room and try again in the morning. But I didn't see any so i was stuck driving in the dark.


              *                                    *                                *

         I've been driving for nearly twelve hours and the sun was starting to come up when I entered Kansas. I don't know exactly where I was, I just knew I entered Kansas.

          Still trying to get the hang of driving I wasn't paying that much attention and nearly ran into someone.

          I slammed the brakes just in time. "Dammit" I said under my breath as a ran out of the car. It was a girl with blazing red hair, bright green eyes, and fair skin. She was wearing extremely short shorts, and a black tank top. She had to be the true meaning of beauty.

            "What the hell you jerk! Couldn't you see I was walking here!"

             "Ummm no, honestly I couldn't."

             "Yeah well get your eyes checked why don't ya! It's clear as day and yet you couldn't even see two feet in front of your car!" I tried to apologise but I couldn't get a word in before she started yelling again. "Where'd you even get your license, cause I'm pretty sure w hi ever gave it to you was drunk as fuck and didnt know what he was doing."

            I tried to hide my nervous laughter the best I could "I'm sorry I almost hit you with my car."

          "Yeah whatever. Just don't ever talk to me again." With that she walked away. God I wish I could've gotten her name, or at least meet her in a different way then almost running her over. But I can't turn back time so i just go back to the car and drove away like nothing happened.


* So this is the end of my first chapter in this book-ish thing. Hope y'all liked it. Please comment whatever you think i should improve my writing on(cause i know I need to) and if you liked it or not. Thanks for reading :)

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