Tell Me A Lie

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Louis Pov:

We got off of the Hogwarts Express. I was standing in the middle while Harry was on my right and Selena on my left with the rest of the guys beside us.

We all looked very much lost and it definitely didn't help that I had horrible orientation skills, We all had some of our bags with us the rest of our luggage was still on the train but before we could even ask where to pick them up a gigantic and by gigantic i meant huge (or maybe i only saw him as a giant cause for an 11 year old kid i was a bit short but still this man was enormous) man with a long unclean tangled beard he was holding one of those lantern thingys with a candle inside and he kept yelling with his loud and very accented voice - ALL FIRST YEARS PLEASE COME OVER I REPEAT ALL FIRST YEARS COME OVER PLEASE NOW 'VE GOT TO TAKE ALL 'VE YAH TO HOGWARTS SO HURRY UP COME ON NOW - we all looked at each other but now less afraid and more excited - So i'm assuming that's Hagrid - Zayn nodded and was the first to walk towards him - Are you guys coming? - he asked when he noticed that the rest of us were still stuck in our places. I reacted after him and followed behind while pulling Niall's arm so he would walk, the rest reacted shortly and went over to the Hagrid guy.

- 'RE YOU KIDS ALL READY FOR YOUR NEW ADVENTURE - Hagrid who we had learned was our gatekeeper led us toward a bunch of tiny boats in which they had to be seven kids per boat to balance it ( three kids to the right, three kids to the left and one at the point of the boat ) Selena led Liam and Niall to one of the many boats and Zayn Harry and I followed behind them but we were still missing a person for our boat and lucky for us a bunch of kids still didn't have a boat to get on, So one of those many kids got on ours obviously asking first - Do you guys mind if i get on this boat with you guys - I was a gentleman as always of course and nodded but Harry had to outdo me he stood up and offered her his hand so she could get in easily - Thank you very much I'm Malia Clovestone - that name sounded vaguely familiar but i shrugged it off - I'm Liam it's a pleasure - - I'm Niall and that's Louis and that's Harry and that's Zayn - we all looked at Niall with the same face expression that said *we can all talk for ourselves but none of us commented on it we just shook hands with Malia - I am Selena and i am so happy to see another girl in this place you have no idea what I've been through, I was trapped the entire ride here in the Hogwarts Express with these morons and believe me they do not shy away at all, I even tolerated their game of fake wrestling in our compartment - Malia genuinely laughed at this and shook hands with Sel - Well that sounds a lot funner than my ride here, I spent it pretending to read while I heard a bunch of first year boys brag about how they would rule the school and destroy all the um well they said muggleborns with another word that i do not wish to say - I kinda felt bad for her imagine tolerating a bunch of bullies for an entire train ride - That sounds horrible but don't worry about it your in OUR boat now - Niall told her and she laughed but when she was gonna answer Hagrid cut her off yelling from his own boat - NOW THESE BOATS 'RE GOING TO MOVE AND LEAD THE WAY TO HOGWARTS PLEASE I BEG OF YOU TO NOT LOOK OVER THE EDGE - and just as he muttered something under his breath the boats started to move and I turned to look over the edge of the boat to see what was pulling us I was amazed when I didn't see anything well I was amazed in general then a hand touched my shoulder I turned toward the hand it was Harry's so I gave him my *What do you want? look and he smiled mouthing the words look up, I did look up and my jaw fell to the ground (not literally) as I lost my breath this amazing castle appeared in front of my eyes.

It was dark outside but the castle looked like it glowed and there were stars above, It was simply beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off it and the closer we got the better and bigger it looked there were lights everywhere It looked like something out of a book and as we were arriving i released a breath i didn't realice I was holding. I wasn't quite sure if this was real or not but begged that if this was a dream to never wake up - Harry please tell me this isn't a dream - he turned towards me with the same emotions in his eyes - I don't think I could ever dream of something so fantastic - I chuckled but not completely since part of me was still gobsmacked by the sight in front of us.

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