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Vision better be prepared for the storm Wanda was about to bring on him. He cheated on her. Not the other way around. She has let him go, and he has a girlfriend for crying out loud. So why is it the first time since then she let someone in, he goes and fucks it up.

Nat is strutting after her, very pissed because she was the shoulder for Wanda to cry on. The first person she genuinely smiled at besides her and Maria was Y/N and Vision acts like Wanda is hers or something. The bastard cheated on her and then got with said girl. Sure Sharon is a good person, but unofficially Nat chose Wanda's side. After you bond with someone like that, you'll do anything to make sure they're happy. Nat is unsure whether she's needed or not. She's there for support... and possible restraint.

They reach Vision and Sharon's room. Wanda's eyes glow red before taking a deep breath and knocking.

Sharon opens the door. "Wanda?' she says with disbelief. Nat doesn't blame her. Sharon is giving her space because she doesn't want to her feelings any more... or be murdered.

"Is Vision in there with you?" Wanda says with a hard voice.

"Um yeah. Vis! Nat wants to talk to you," Sharon calls. Wanda gets upset before realizing he probably is more willing to talk to Nat. Nat is staring at disbelief at the comfortable silence between the two. It seems that the next talk the two have will be civil.

"Nat what do yo- Wanda? What is it?" says the synthezoid, his eyes flitting between the two very tense and angry girls.

"What did you say to Y/N?" Wanda says.

"Nothing. Merely ...alerting her of our situation," he says slyly.

Wanda is done with this bastard. "Listen to me carefully Vision. If you don't tell me what you said word by word I will blast you so hard you'll land into next week. Do you really want to play with me right now?"

Sharon shakes her head at Vision. "I don't know what you did but if you don't spill in the next minute you are sleeping on the couch tonight." She smiles at him and raises her eyebrows, clearly telling him its his move.

"Fine. Here's what happened..." he starts.


You and Lydia are still sitting on the couch when Scott comes in. He eyes the empty tub of ice cream, the numerous bags on chips, and the dirty dancing on the screen.

"I know I fucked up, but how bad? Because I got you chocolates. I'm sorry. Next time I'll ask."

"Y/N got played after having a special night," Lydia explains.

"Woah," Scott says before sitting down on the arm chair of the side of the couch Lydia is sitting on, "Wouldn't that be the first since Marlene?"

You nod, avoiding both of their eyes. You look up and sees that Scott has his arm around Lydia. It seems like the smallest thing in the world to them but it hits you like a ton a bricks. To make matters worse, she places her hand on top of his on her shoulder. Linking their hands. You look down again, sighing.

"I'm gonna go to the store and get some more ice cream and make sure that I have gas in my car. I'll be back in thirty minutes." Before they can respond you duck out the door, grabbing your keys from their place on the wall by the door. You know fully well you won't be back in 30 minutes.

You get into your car and turn on cruise. You let you mind take over. You lean back into the seat and let the familiarity of the road guide you. Heading to your cabin has been your runaway ever since the casseroles started rolling in. You'd come down here and sit on the front porch until it was dark. Heading into the room you guys set up. You take a shower and get comfy, changing into your pajamas.

Most people think its weird that you still pay for a cabin you only go to when you are depressed and need space from the loud noises of New York City. But others would kill for somewhere they can escape their worries and reminisce in the simpler and happier times. The ones where a scowl on your face was a rare occasion. One where you lived everyday to it's fullest and didn't give two shits what anyone thought about you. Ones where the most horrible thing that could've happened was someone breaking their promise. If only you had known some promises can't be kept.


"Vision you didn't," Sharon said, angry. "Why would you do that? Why cause intended pain on someone- no two people. As if you haven't hurt Wanda enough. Like we haven't. And Y/N. Did you stop to think past your little vendetta? She was simply trying to go on a date. I can't even look at you," she sighs before approaching Wanda and Nat. "Look if there's anything you need let me know. I had no idea he was being such a prick. He said he was going to properly introduce himself."

"I don't blame you Sharon. Thank you for helping us out. I hope we can put this behind us. Maybe we can get a cup of coffee. Of course after I fix things with Y/N."

She smiles. "That sounds amazing Wanda. And as for you," she turns to Vision. "You are sleeping on the couch and you are going to find Y/N. You are not going to talk to her, touch her, hell you aren't to even look at her. You are to find her, tell Nat and Wanda the location, and then leave them the hell alone. Sound like a plan Vision?"

He nods. Nat is really enjoying this. Now she sees what Vision sees in Sharon. She's nice, does the right thing, and she's an actually genuine person. Of course she wouldn't date her for many reasons but for who she is isn't one of them.

"Wanda, I want to ask you something in private." Nat says.

Wanda nods before following the shorter girl into her room. "What is it Nat?"

"Well I just wanted to know what Y/N is to you. Like obviously it's not platonic but I haven't seen you this angry at someone since I stole your cookies when you were on your period. I still have that scar from the notebook you oh so kindly chucked at me," Nat says before making Wanda laugh.

"I guess I just haven't clicked with anyone like that in a while. If ever. I just feel like a know her. It's been one night and yet I know more about her than I know about almost anyone in the compound. Besides you of course."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. I just really hope that it's not too late."

"You have to try. You owe that to yourself. And to her."

"I know I do."

"So do you? Promise? because you're gonna have to promise me if I'm gonna believe you. Otherwise when Vision finds her, if you don't go you'll never hear the end of it."




A/N: Wow 1175 words in thirty minutes. I didn't know that was possible. But then again isn't anything possible at 12:18 in the morning? Whatever I hope you liked this chapter. In the next one Y/N will- oh who am I kidding? No spoilers here!! Hehe much love Sarri

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