Chapter 3

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Dr. Beef Balls wiped the tears from your eyes as you scrubbed in. "We're not going to let him die. We're going to fix his stupid broken body and then we'll give him that phat ass he's been dreaming of." You nodded. "I've never seen you so worked up over a patient, Dr. Y/N."

"He's not just a patient, he's different. He's... special."

You walked into the OR, assessing the team who had come to save your blonde lover boy's life. "Um, why is Kara here? She's the worst doctor I've ever seen. Didn't she literally only get through med school by sleeping with her professors?"

"Look, do you want to save his life or not? You need surgeons." Kara snapped back. Gosh she was stubborn. You sighed, the more time you argued the closer Bo edged to hell, where he belonged. You approached the table. "Scalpel," you demanded, and Dr. Beef Balls handed you the knife. You took a deep breath and prepared to cut.

"It's a beautiful day to save lifes" you announced, and made the first incision.

At that moment everything started going wrong. Deep crimson blood gushed out quickly, much faster than it should. All the machines started beeping at an increased rate. "BP's dropping!" Kara screamed, and grabbed the scalpel from your hand and began to cut faster in an attempt to have him open less time, but this only made him bleed faster.

"NO!" screamed Dr. Beef Balls. 'Dr. Y/N is my best friend, and I won't let you kill her patient!" They leapt over Bo's body, doing an epic flip, and tackling Kara to the ground. Kara ended up with two broken ribs and a black eye.

"He's coding!" You started compressions, but it was no use. You rushed around to his head - if he was going to die, you weren't going to let it happen without telling him the truth.

"Bo, my sweetheart, I love your hair, I love your name, I love the way you say it," you stuttered between sobs. "I thought I could never find true happiness until you walked into this hospital and changed my entire life. These past 20 minutes have been the best I've ever had, and I can't thank you enough for what you've given me. I lied; I don't love the idea of you... I love you." You leaned forward to kiss his forehead, but once your lips touched him, your legs froze until you felt something pushing you back. "Oh my gosh," you heard Dr. Beef Balls gasp surprisedly, "he'd awake."

"Y/N" Bo said. You raised your head to lock orbs with him, and could tell that he wasn't looking at you, he was looking into your soul. "I love you too." You smiled underneath your surgical mask as happy tears leaked from your eyes.

"I hate to break up the moment, but we have to put him back under and finish the surgery," Dr. Beef Balls interrupted. "His organs are falling out." You looked down the table to see his soft pink large intestine, his black liver destroyed as a result of getting shitfaced and eating peanut butter on a daily basis, and the polly pocket shoes he'd swallowed as a kid but been too shy to tell his mother about because she had told him that she wasn't going to buy him any more polly pockets if he kept eating the shoes.

"Be strong Y/N, we can be together soon. Maybe we can go to that Socko show together?"

"I'd love that, Bo" you sighed. "I just have one thing to tell you first... remember how you accused me of sleeping with all of the nurses?" He nodded. "You were wrong, I never did... In fact, I had never even kissed anyone... until you. I love you."

"I love you too, Dr. My Sweet Baby"


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