Adrien p1 - ch 11

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Most of the chapter takes turns between marinette and 3 rd POV

After everyone left, well everyone except Damian, she sat up straight and apologized to him for the hundredth time, and at hearing her apology again he just sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Damian wasn't known for his patience, in fact he was the complete opposite of patient, he liked to rush into things and liked it when things were done quickly, so hearing her not move on from apologies was frustrating him immensely, but tried not to show it so she wouldn't feel like he disliked her, or felt as if she was a bother.

She then stopped when she heard his sigh, and after a while of silence she asked what time it was.

It's 9:45 pm, he said as he looked at a watch he had on his wrist.

At that, something flashed through her eyes as she quickly and frantically moved her hands around, searching for her phone as she said out loud I'm late!

He was confused, why would she be late to something at this time of night?

When she finally found her phone she quickly unlocked it and then looked at Damian in the eyes.

Damian please, what you hear and see will stay between us, nothing leaves here ok? She sounded demanding but gentle at the same time, but her voices as also laced with pleading, like if she was asking for the most important thing to be kept secret, and indeed it was the most important secret she was slightly in-trusting him with.

He just nodded and at that she slightly smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes, yet he could see that that smile was genuine

Doot dooot doooot click*
Was the sound that imitated from the speaker of her phone as she waited for someone to pick up the line.

Once the click sounded, he could hear a soft voice answered 

Really quickly I just want to clarify something the speakers will be labeled like this:

Damian- d
Marinette- m
Chloe- c
Adrian- a

Ok onto the story or call...

C- hello?
M- hey chlo sorry I called a bit later than usual, how is he?
C- Why don't you ask him?

At that response marinette furrowed her eyebrows in confusion..
How could Adrian answer her if he was in a coma.....


M- Omg did he wake up!!

She screamed as she waited anxiously for a response

A- *chuckle* well hello to you too m'lady..

M- Adrian your AWAKE I am so glad you are alive and oh- wait up

she said as she clicked on the FaceTime icon, it was immediately accepted.

Once he accepted the face time the screen showed a pale slender male with long golden locks and a pale blue hospital gown, with darker blue polkadots scattered around the gown. His green eyes were bright and electrifying, yet warm and gentle as always, and his lips had a slightly purple tint to them instead of the peachy pink that they used to be.

On his side was Chloe, her pale long hair was neat in a twisted braid, like the one Adrian's mother used to wear, and she wore a white dress that faded into yellow, and had a black purse that was neatly placed across her body. She looked paler than usual, and you can see the tiredness in her eyes, even if they were covered with her makeup. She had a bright smile as she looked at the interaction between Adrian and Marinette.

Marinette and Adrian talked for awhile about how she moved, but never gave a reason as to why, and how she liked the different scenery of Gotham a lot, and how much of in inspiration it was, much to Damian's surprise.

Towards the end of the call she introduced Damian and Adrian to each other, saying that she was staying at his place to work on a project, which was a lie, but Damian decided to go against the idea of pointing it out and worrying her friends that were obviously inside a hospital.

When the call ended he asked the two questions that weighed on his mind during that call...

Why was he in a coma, and why did you lie to them?

Why indeed? I guess you'll have to wait for the next one muwahahah!

But in all seriousness I thought this would be better then killing him off don't you agree?

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