The Boy With Teal Eyes

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     Y/n had silently entered the Jaeger's house hold after waiting a few seconds for the boy to say something. Her eyes averting his determined glare in order to take in the scenery. The house was small but homey, it had a tranquility about it. As if the family was perfectly fine with life all except the young boy of course. Out of everything in the house he was the only thing who seemed displaced and different.

Mr. Jaeger closed the door behind him. Before she could turn around. Before she could try to spot her mother as she sat in the covered wagon heading toward the gate wall. The girls expression was quickly replaced by a frown, already missing the woman who had raised her. Doubts circled her head wondering if her mother would come back this time. No matter how many missions she would go on she would fret. Sometimes even breaking out with hives and sweat due to worry.

She was staying with her mothers old friend, Mrs. Jaeger, her preferred name being Carla. Both had been best friends throughout their education and the entirety of their childhood. Even though Layla ,Y/n's mother, had moved further to the country side in order to raise Y/n in her hometown they still maintained their relationship as great friends. Thus resulting in Y/n being at the Jaeger's house hold.

     Y/n wasn't much of a talker and tended to keep to herself around new people. Key word: new people. She tended to like animals over people, seeing as they were good listeners and didn't talk behind her back.

     The Carmel haired bute stepped towards the kitchen table passing the younger brunette who had stayed silent the whole time as just glared at the stranger he would soon consider one of his best friends.

Eren POV

She was very anticlimactic. My mom had made a big fuss about an "important guest", but she was just a girl. She didn't seem special at first. But the closer I looked  the more I engraved every detail, she carried her self very gracefully yet she had a timid presence. The thing that had me glaring was her eyes. I don't think I would be able to describe them accurately. The closest my mind could think of was sunset golden but with orange specks that made them look like they were glowing. And although her eyes were pretty cool she seemed melancholy. I watched as she flashed a small smile politely saying hi to mom, but it didn't stay long. She was focused on something as if her mind blocked out anything unnecessary.

"Honey, would you like some breakfast, it's nothing fancy just oatmeal" my mom said flashing her signature smile.

"I ate at home earlier today but thank you, but if it isn't too much to ask may I have some water please "said the girl politely. She couldn't have been more than a year older than me and yet she sounded like a twenty year old. It was weird.

She sat down on one of the used on the mahogany colored chairs after mom offered her a seat, thanking her again after receiving the water. She seemed stif and closed off, not unwelcoming but closed off. She just, I don't know, she looked troubled. I sent my mom a knowing look asking if she was okay. Nodding her head yes calmly mom signaled not to press the subject.

"Eren" dad said his gaze still set on his med kit he was setting up "Mikasa went out earlier to collect some wood" he took a pause fiddling once more with his medical tools then putting them down to look at me "why don't u show y/n around the town. Maybe help Mikasa was well?"

"Kay" I grumbled, grabbing the girls hand which startled her as her eyes went wide stumbling out of the chair. My guess was that she wasn't listening to the earlier conversation.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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