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"Upcoming BL Universe Book"

A shameless but harmless promotion despite having so many books unwritten books and incomplete chapters.
I have so many ideas but no energy to write them all in different books. So, just to let these thought leave my mind, I will do this, short stories. For my own sake of sanity so that I can go back to studying without distraction.

I will be starting a mini soulmate series about all(possibly) Bl couples.

Vote if you have ideas, but I will be the one decision what couple will be paired. Because sometimes I am just not in a mood. 

It could be a mini series of three to five chapter of all of my favorite couples. Or one shot. Short stories. Anything.
It can contains supernatural elements and mythical creatures.
In the meantime, do check out my other books..
If you want to, suggest ideas for the one-shots, and if I feel great about it, it may come true.

If you want to, suggest ideas for the one-shots, and if I feel great about it, it may come true

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I hope you understand my delay for uploading chapters

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I hope you understand my delay for uploading chapters. I am trying my best to make your reading time worth it. And God does editing takes time.

I have to re-read the chapters again and again to make sure it's perfect. And never will I ever achieve my perfectionist goals.

So I am trying to fight it, and make sure you get updated.


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