Distracting (Loki x F!Reader)

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Summary: Loki finds himself constantly distracted by a curious TVA agent and before long is completely enamoured by her. When another agent tries to interrupt their shared lunch together, Loki gives into his jealous and steps up to stake his claim.

Rating: Teen

Tags: short!reader, TVA!reader, jealousy, Loki's POV, allusions to depression, references to Loki's trauma and torture, no major Loki (2021) spoilers, fluff with a little angst

Tags: short!reader, TVA!reader, jealousy, Loki's POV, allusions to depression, references to Loki's trauma and torture, no major Loki (2021) spoilers, fluff with a little angst

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Loki hated it at the TVA.

He detested the monotony of flicking through folders that all contained exactly the same lines on repeat without actually telling him anything new. Every new file another case of destruction and another civilisation that was left to die in the name of a so called sacred timeline. Worse, for every folder he flicked through, Loki felt sure he was getting further from the answers he sought and not closer.

He despised that he was cut off from his magic, always able to feel the tingle of its presence beneath his skin but unable to reach for his seidr and set it free. Tasks that could be accomplished with a quick flick of his wrist took hours to complete, or whatever counted as time passing in this awful place.

What he hated most of all was how distracting you were.

To start, it was your terrible suit. You adhered perfectly to the TVA's drab and dull dress code and he could think of a hundred other colours and cuts that would suit your figure better. More than once, Loki thought in passing how much better you would look in green. It would brighten up your miserable working space considerably, maybe even highlight the spark in your eyes.

After, when he'd eventually grown accustomed to the particularly bland shade of beige, it was your pen that became the bane of his existence. More specifically, the way you held your pen. How you caught the end between your teeth and sucked on it as you became engrossed in the cases you were handling. Why couldn't you feign disinterest like everyone else instead of allowing such a soft and curious expression to grace your features?

The final straw was when Loki saw you through a shelf in the records department, struggling to reach a dusty box of folders on the top shelf. He should have turned around and left you be but the pull of your shirt across your back as you stretched for the files, the sliver of skin that showed as the fabric pulled free from your trousers, was much too distracting for him to leave.

Knowing that Frigga had raised him better than to hide in the shadows and stand watching when a lady was in need, Loki stepped out from behind his shelf and asked, "Do you need help?"

"Almost certainly," you laughed, stepping aside to gesture at the box you needed.

To say Loki was startled by the speed with which you accepted his assistance would be an understatement. He could hardly recall the last time anyone had looked at him with anything other than disdain or anger, let alone smiled as brightly as you did then. Suddenly he didn't hate being stuck at the TVA quite so much.

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