The Variant (Loki x GN!Reader)

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Summary: After the arrival of the Loki Variant at the TVA, the reader begins to notice changes to the way things are done. As Loki tries different methods to plot his escape from the TVA's grasp (violence, seduction and then persuasion), the reader realises that teaming up with the Variant might be their only way to get answers.

Rating: Teen

Major Tags: TVA Agent Reader, knives, enemies to allies, brief mention of blood, mentions of Loki's past trauma, mild sexual theme, a dubious kiss, conspiracies, no Loki (2021) spoilers (only vague use of names and ranks within the TVA)

Major Tags: TVA Agent Reader, knives, enemies to allies, brief mention of blood, mentions of Loki's past trauma, mild sexual theme, a dubious kiss, conspiracies, no Loki (2021) spoilers (only vague use of names and ranks within the TVA)

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The Loki Variant was... Unpredictable. Disruptive. Annoying.

That was, you supposed, the very nature of the Variants brought into the fold but there was something about him that left you on edge. What exactly you couldn't say. A cool collectedness behind the mania, a sense that he saw more than he – or anyone else – was ever supposed to. Variants were expected to be resistant, the Loki Variant more than anyone else, and yet he approached Mobius' tasks with an almost gleeful willingness.

More than that though, it was the little changes that had you deep in concern. Nothing had felt right since his arrival. The food in the canteen tasted bitter, like it was a few days off (impossible given how time moved in the TVA). Hallways you had always trusted to take you where you needed to be now seemed to turn off in the wrong direction. His presence had thrown your senses into haywire, disconnecting you from the one place you had always called home.

The sooner the Variant fulfilled his purpose and was resolved, the better.

Unfortunately, you had no idea when that would be.

Mobius, your boss, was being annoying tight lipped about this particular Variant. Over your time at the TVA (once again, the concept of time there was a loose one indeed), he had admittedly never confided much in you but he had always warned you what sort of dangers you would be up against. You were given reams of paper that detailed everything that had happened in the Variants' past, present, future, as well as a significant folder on what hadn't happened, but your dossier on the Loki Variant was noticeably thinner.

Pages were missing. Decades, centuries, of his life both lived and unlived, redacted.

You had to believe it was in aid of protecting the Sacred Timeline. After all, that was why you were all there. Perhaps it was another trick by the Variant. Yes. That sounded right. Well, you wouldn't let him confuse your purpose. You had to resist his schemes.

It had been easy to start. When the Loki Variant first arrived, he was predictable. He fought against the guards until he realised what fate would befall him if he did not cease immediately. Smart enough to avoid being wiped from time entirely, he soon fell into line. Or, at least, made a show of it.

Loki listened to Mobius' welcome speech, took the tour and even made his mark on the dotted line. Maybe one day down the line he would realised exactly what he had signed away. However, free of that particular burden of knowledge, the Loki Variant then began his true attempts to escape the TVA. Half heartedly, he attempted to convince you to help him. Naturally you declined and watched on as the rest of his plans fell through. They were as successful as anyone would suspect; after seven or eight failures, he stopped trying to leave.

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