Love at first sight

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Last night I had a dream, a dream that blew my mind. I sat up opened my eyes and couldn't believe what really happened, then my alarm went off just as I was about to fall asleep time to wake up I guess, I jumped out of bed got ready for school, ran downstairs hoping my brother made breakfast? I ate my breakfast and ran out the door.
I jumped on the bus and saw my other best friend, I sat down beside her and told her about my crazy dream, her jaw dropped as she said " like that would happen." I questioned her for a second like maybe it could happen.
We got to school I ran inside and noticed a new kid had arrived his name was parker he had everything I've ever wanted in a guy. I was flabbergasted and ran to my locker I was so embarrassed hopefully he didn't notice I was staring straight at him. Put my stuff in my locker and guess who walks up to me ... Parker !!!
I said "hey you must be the new student can I help you find your locker." His piece of paper said "locker 57." I closed my locker door and read my number it's locker 58 I can't believe we have lockers beside each other does that mean we could end up more then friends id love that !!! But let's start by being friends. There was a pause between our conversation he said " my name is parker."
I said " hi my name is Mackenzie." He leaned in toward me he's going to kiss me I immediately ducked I felt so stupid doing it he asked "is everything ok" I said " Ya, I've just never kissed someone before and I was scared." He said " it's alright" so we ended up kissing. "epppp." I was so happy we didn't even know each other and that happened oh my goodness. So did that mean we were dating . But all I know is that was adorable I definetly knew there was such thing as love at first sight.

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