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The sound of a telephone ringing was the only thing that played in the office of Mann Co. at the moment, well besides the CEO rambling about one of his many adventures to his seemingly very tired assistant. Without missing a beat he picked up the phone and answered enthusiastically.

"Saxton Hale, CEO of Mann co. What can i do you for?"

"It's me"

"Helen, how have y—"

"We need more Merc's hale, I trust you'll find me what I need."

"..Of course Administrator"


The phone clicked and the line went dead, signalling that the woman had hung up on him. Saxton put the phone down, the might of the gesture broke the dial up in half. The Australian superman paid no mind to it and looked up at his bulletin board. It was covered in fliers of his own company, a calendar and some photo's. One stood out, taken right in front of his company dating back 20 years ago when it still belonged to his father. He stood up and pulled it off the board, examining the faces in it.

A man and a Woman, standing next to each other with pleased expressions, and a young boy standing between them. They were dressed to the nines, clearly from a wealthy family as they stood before the front of Mann Co. His father and the other man were shaking hands, sealing the deal of their partnership. He remembered these folks pretty well, Richard and Jane Charpentier. They came all the way from Canada to seal the deal of their partnership. His father would talk about how they were brilliant, and renowned for their intellectual abilities. Both were graduates in psychology and human behaviours. Richard was a specialist for investigations of crime and murder's, supposedly able to use even the smallest details to figure out what happened at on scene crime investigations. While Jane on the other hand would do the interviewing of his suspects and criminal's, she was so lovely and unsuspecting, having a way with people. They always broke before the hour's end, and then some. Every last detail was juiced out of them.

Then there was that boy who stood between them, their only son. He only remembered him so vaguely, but he knew he had a wit sharper than that bastard darlings blade. They never spoke, the age gap would have made it weird if either tried approaching the other.. but he had to have been smart. Genetics work that way, right?  Suddenly he felt a lightbulb formed over his head "Bidwell, Reddy, get in contact with the Charpentier's " He told his assistants "sir, We can't call anyone cause you just broke the phone—" "But.. you can get it fixed, right?" Saxton asked, raising a brow. "Yes..but—" "Perfect! Get it fixed then get Richard on the phone, I want to talk with him!"

"Sir, Richard and Jane died almost 15 years ago..."

Saxton's expression dropped, that wasn't the news he was expecting or wanted to hear. "How come i was never invited to the funeral?" He frowned, brows knitted together in disappointment. "Hang on, how come I never knew in the first place. Why did you two keep me in the dark!?" He pointed an accusing finger at bidwell. "They never had a funeral" Reddy explained, raising his arms defensively. "Well, why not? Everyone deserves a funeral, those two deserved one of the finest! They were one of's greatest partners, did their company just kaput?"

"Not exactly, Sir. We only found out about it when we got a card from their son, then nothing." Saxton chuckled "do you guys really think I have time to read EVERY card that gets put on my desk? Birthdays and holidays are crazy." With his foot Saxton opened a drawer on the bottom of his desk, cards spilling out and over the sides from the action, it seemed like there was one for every occasion. The Australian leaned over and rummaged through it, searching for said card in question. "Fifteen years ago, huh? Time really flies.."

One card finally stood out from the rest, it was a strange one. The cover had a girl on is, saying "happy birthday girlfriend!" Only the girlfriend was scratched out and had funeral written over it. Saxton chuckled at the creativity, opening it though, a piece of paper fell out. The CEO had to squint to read, and even then it was proving to be difficult. "Something...Something, dead parents.. running... this is hardly legible!" He remarked. With a long sigh, bidwell snatched the card and letter, then opened it to read. Saxton wasn't kidding about it being hardly legible.

"Dear CEO of Mann.Co, I am wishing you all the best before I deliver the unfortunate news of my parents passing.
Richard and Jane Charpentier died in a car accident, my mother immediately on impact while my father passed shortly after due to complications following the crash. I am well but I want you to know that your partnership with their company will be terminated as of today, because I am not going to be working for or with you any time soon. Your little Arrangement with my parents is not gonna work for me, since I have come to the conclusion that you were just using us for our intellectual abilities to make up for your own short comings. I'm not stupid enough to fall for that.Knowing that these news will not blow over easy with you, I will be leaving Canada so you can't find me.
Ps: Everything in their will goes to me now
Get fucked! Respectfully, Nicholas"

"....Boy he knew a lot of big words for a fifteen year old" Saxton remarked, while Reddy looked over bidwell's shoulder narrowing his eyes at the page. Bidewell cleared his throat and folded the letter up. "Out of curiosity, sir. What piqued your sudden interest with the Charpentiers again?" He asked. "We need more mercenaries, so I plan on getting us a new mercenary!" Saxton jumped out of his chair, grabbing his hat and running to the door. "Richard's kid? Really?" His assistants couldn't believe what they were hearing, then again they never did. "I like his Habenero sauce, and now that he's a grown man I'm sure we can act like adults and negotiate out terms like adults!" He exclaimed. "You said that twice—" "I know that!"

On his way out, Reddy pulled the other to the side before he could follow . "How are we supposed to find him?" Bidwell simply pulled out the envelope from the desk and gestured to the return address, clearly stamped on it stated Bisbee, Arizona. "Things just got a little easier"

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