Chapter 2

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Scraps and Gears

The vehicle came to a halt in front of the red base, the abrupt stop caused Nick to lurch forward. The Detective muttered something about seatbelts and exited the car, not without sticking his head through the window and glaring at Saxton. "I'm doing this job for the money, not for your stupid company." He reminded the Australian.

Saxton just laughed, "of course buddy" he brushed off his threats like dust into a pan and drove off leaving him in the dust.

"Stop calling me that!" Nick shouted after him.

He ran a hand through his hair in frustration, observing the surrondings. "The middle of no where, huh? This place is a dump." He muttered, adjusting his grip on the duffle bag he carried. It was a stone path that led to the base, on the oak plank side of a building in red paint he could make out the words "red bread" with what he assumed was a piece of wheat. Interesting coverup... he'd read before arriving that the nearby town was full of idiots, so deception must have come by easily. Without a doubt he was at the right place, it looked exactly like where a bunch of mercenaries would hide out...

Mercenaries... he had become one now, huh? That title was just a two steps over being called a serial killer, since technically they were getting paid for frequent kills.. would that make them above hitmen too? Possibly.. More murder More money.

Right in front of the door he could see now was a woman dressed in purple, seemingly waiting for him. "Good afternoon, Detective." She greeted, smiling. He stuck a hand out, and shook hers. "you are miss Pauling, correct?" He asked, glancing down at the file she had. "Yes, that would be me. I'm so glad you were able to come, the administrator worked hard to squeeze you into the team on such short notice. It'll be nice to have some high intelligence affiliated with us." She explained, holding the door open for him. "Come on in, Detective."

While Miss Pauling guided him down the halls, explaining routine, when food came in, money, locations of certain rooms. Nick only half listened, preoccupied with his on thoughts. He didn't notice she stopped talking until he bumped into her when she stopped walking.

"Any questions?" Miss Pauling asked with a small smile. "Yes, a few. First, can I make long distanced calls?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes, why? Where do you plan to call too?"

"Arizona. Mostly."

Miss Pauling thought for a moment then nodded "shouldn't be a problem!"

"Alright and... why do you need me? I'm a detective, it's not really my field to— y'know.. actively kill people"


The doors behind her slammed open and she sighed. "Hold that thought please" she turned around. "Need something scout?"

Nick looked up, straightening his posture to meet eyes with the man referred to as "Scout" a tall, pasty kid with weirdly cut off sleeves, a baseball cap and blond hair. He frowned as he didn't as much as a nod of acknowledgement.

"Miss Pauling! I was just looking for you, i knew the meeting was about to start but I got worried that maybe you got hurt so I came to find you" he explained, puffing his chest out proudly. "Oh- thank you for your concern Scout, I was actually just going out to meet the newest merc."

Scout chuckled "What was their name? Nicole right?" He laughed a bit. "Dirty work should really be left to the men but whateva— where is she by the way?" He asked looking over his own shoulder. "Boy, am I invisible to you?" The Detective asked, irritated.

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