10 - Chapter Ten - Lukas Black's Point Of View.

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Stepping back inside the building, It had really filled up with people. Willow was shaking the hands of plenty of my dad's friends. She had met them before but was seeing them again for the first time in two decades. My chief was also here along with my supervisors and people I worked with within the lab on occasions. They had dressed in their uniforms but something about it made me more comfortable than if they had worn 'funeral clothing'.

That was probably because I didn't know any of them outside of work. After all, most of the time, that was all I did. Watching everyone lingering around my mother's closed coffin made me sadder than before. They probably wanted to see her, but she had requested differently, but even if she hadn't, they still wouldn't have been able to view her because of the damage. I lost track of the number of people who had said they were sorry for my loss by the time my legs hurt from standing in one place.

None of my father's friends had left, instead, they stood by the coffin, as if to protect her even in death. Once the viewing had fully wrapped up, they finally stepped away from the coffin. By this time tomorrow, they would fully rest her in the ground.

"Lukas, we will all be here tomorrow to lay her to rest with the highest honours,"

"Thank you. I appreciate that. I'm sure she does too."

"Are you going to be ok being there by yourself right now?"

"I should be ok."

"We are all just a phone call away. Ok." He passed me a paper with a bunch of cell numbers and such on it.

"Thank you."

Leaving the funeral home, I needed dinner, and there was no way I was about to actually cook myself anything. I didn't trust myself not to set the house on fire and just go to sleep, that's where I was at currently and that wasn't great. Spotting the diner, which was one of my favourite places to grab the most amazing ravioli. The shit was mouth-watering, I could eat my entire body weight in the stuff. Normally I called in for takeout because I was usually working when I ordered from here. I couldn't actually say I had been in the diner to eat, but there was a first for everything.

Pulling in, I parked. Taking the jacket and the tie off I tossed them in the passenger seat in a lump. I would not wear this suit tomorrow, so I didn't care too much about it. I undid the top two buttons on the dress shirt and rolled up the sleeves a bit. I honestly had to look like a mess, not that I really cared at the moment.

Opening the door, it seemed pretty busy inside but not enough that I couldn't order for inside dining. Sitting down in a booth, the little Italian woman who owned the diner spotted me and quickly brought me over a menu. I wouldn't need it because I knew what I wanted. When she came back, she smiled at me.

"Have you decided on what you want, or your just your usual Ravioli darling?"

I wanted to laugh at the fact she knew who I was and remembered that I always ordered the same dish every time I came for takeout, which was more than I wanted to admit to.

"I'll take the normal ravioli, it's amazing. But could I also get whatever wine would pair well with it, a price point of whatever is fine,"

"Coming right up shortly darling."

Checking my phone, I entered all the numbers of the paper with names, so that I had them if really needed any of them. I had enough time to grab dinner, head home to shower before further getting into any one of the bottles of vintage wine my parents had almost collected before I was born and into my older years. I would almost currently have a hangover from hell tomorrow, but I knew exactly what I was doing. I was going to get shit-faced and go to sleep. I doubted there was any other way to fall asleep in that house without again, wanting to set fire to the whole thing.

"Here you are darling, It's on the house."


She didn't say anything more she just walked away, but I heard a flood of Italian from the kitchen. I was pretty sure I saw both Andrei and Alexi leaving the kitchen but I figured it was just a case of mistaken identity. Though it probably wasn't a far stretch to think that they were either related or involved here. They also spoke Italian and with the quality of the food, I wasn't surprised if it had been them.

Sipping the glass of wine, was definitely not the cheap shit, which made me feel terrible that she wanted this on the house, which of course I wouldn't allow. The ravioli was heavenly when I tasted the first bite. I could eat this every meal, I wouldn't have a single problem with that.

Looking up after wiping my mouth with the napkin on the table, I looked right at Andrei, who looked a little stunned almost. He smiled shallowly at me before he spoke.

"My condolences for your loss Lukas."

"Thank you..."

"How are you holding up?"

"I haven't burned the house to the ground yet even though I want to."

His face morphed into that of concern and he looked at Alexi telling him to go head back and they could catch up later. I wanted to tell him I was fine and it would most likely pass. But he was currently giving me a look that said 'I fucking dare you to tell me your fine.'

"Don't worry. I wouldn't actually burn it down." I think. I might but, I doubted it.

"Somehow, I'm not sure if I should believe you, or just believe you think you might not burn it down."

"I don't know what you should believe, because I'm also not sure, honestly I choose dinner here vs at home so that I didn't just light a fire and go to sleep."

"I understand your greaving, but if you feel like that perhaps you might want to speak to someone."

"It's not that bad," I said stuffing another mouthful of the ravioli into my mouth.

"I can get you the recipe for that if you want it?"

Chewing the bite that was in my mouth, I was in love. I needed a full-ass man made out of the pasta alone. Once I swallowed the bite, I answered Andrei.

"Well I appreciate the offer of the recipe, I'm sure it's nothing like her recipe, and it wouldn't be the same."

"I was talking about her recipe, I can get it."

"Andrei, I don't think bullying her for her recipe is a nice idea. She surely wouldn't give it up to you for free, and using whatever mafia background to get it is mean."

He brought his hand up to his mouth as if he wanted to chuckle at me, and instead, he called out just one word that had her coming in our direction. I looked at him, no words even finding their way to my tongue other than.

"You are not serious, She's your mother?"


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Hello, Super excited to tell you about my exclusive book over on radish, no this isn't a pay-to-read book, it's 100% free to read, with no wait time when EPS. launch. This is something I've been working for a really long time. 

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Luka Pierce had known things with his life were strange from the beginning, but an attack will leave him in a completely different world than the one he knew before. He never thought he would see the days the family stories were true. King Drake Fairstone didn't expect to look the male in the eyes that day, But he had and it was like his past was coming back with a vengeance. Just how was he going to deal with the current state that was this male, who shouldn't even exist.

This book means a lot to me. It's been many long nights to bring it to life so that you all can enjoy it. Anyways, thanks for reading this along with the current chapter. 

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