𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 1

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                                                                                            -𝙼𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚊𝚢-

                                                                                                                                                     -𝙼𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚊𝚢-

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I woke up in a flash and covered my eyes from my "room" window. Or that's what everyone called them here, but the correct definition is more like a prison cell. "Get up" I heard a guard sneered outside my door say. "It's transport day. " Oh right... Transfer day, or as I would like to put it into simpler terms "Moving Day". I'm getting moved to a new psychiatrist hospital because apparently I'm too strong for this place or something. I don't know and I don't care.

"MOVE IT" I hear from the guard outside my cell before I heard his footsteps walking away. God I wish I can just tell him to shut up sometimes. But unfortunately I can't, I told myself I would chill out on the talking again after... Well it's doesn't matter anymore right now.
A scar my father gave to me. A mouth scar from the ends of my lips to my cheekbones(
I do have some scars on my face that doesn't cover but nothing too bad as my mouth, just some small ones.

As I got up and walked to the door to wait for the guard to get me. I thought about my best friends blood on my hands and how it should've been me that- "Cell number 61, please step away from the door and allow the guards to cuff you and please cooperate with us." I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the same booming voice I have heard everyday for the past 9 years here. I stepped away from the door as I heard the heavy metal door unlock. I held my hand up in front of me so maybe they will go a little easier at dragging me down the hallways everyday. But hey, a girl can dream.

Two guards came in, the one of the right which seems to be stronger than the left, he's standing at 5'8 and with brown hair and a little beard growing in. He had the same uniform that all the guards had here with black pants and a black shirt with a light blue long sleeved under shirt to go along with it. The one on the left though, I could already tell that he is new. I could see the fear in his eyes and that sent shivers down my spine, the good ones and the bad shivers mixed in together. He stands a little shorter than his friend at about 5'7 and has short blonde hair and has the same uniform as his friend but instead has a white long sleeved under shirt.

As the two guards came up to me to cuff me. The one on the right may have been slower but he was definitely more rougher...Bitch. But the one on the left was faster and just a little softer but that was only because his hands were shaking so bad. It was kinda funny.

As they both roughly dragged me wherever. We stopped in front of the cafeteria where they took me to a table and took off my cuffs so I could eat my breakfast. I was eating alone like I do everyday. No one want to talk to me or even look at me because their just scared, but it's not like I care or anything. I have myself and that all I ever need. My thoughts was interrupted but none other than my doctor.

My doctor or hot dog on a stick as I like to call her. Dr Bella Hatt, a shorter woman standing at about 5'4 with brown eyes and dark brown hair and big black framed glasses hanging over her nose, and a little more plumper than most people, but she is kinda pretty though. "Ah good morning Y/N!" She cheered, Why? I don't know it's too early for this. It's only 8am. Probably it's because today's my last day. "Well I don't know if you remember or not but today is your last day here" she said. Ugh, why is she treating me as if I'm a child. Sometimes I just want to grab her by her hair and just bang her head against the wall so many time that-

"Y/N?" I blinked as I was pulled out of my lovely thoughts.

𝙰/𝚗--I just edited this and omfg what the hell was I thinking.

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