Chapter 5

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-Hallway Gossip-

I woke up cold and my chest felt numb. " Ah you're awake now." I hear a Familiar voice say. " That was quite the show you pulled there." As I started to wake up more, I could hear the voice more clearly. Oh great... It's Dr. Pussy- I mean Loomis.

"How did you do it huh?!" He asked with a crazy look in his eyes. I tilted my head a little to the side. "Well?" He kept pushing, trying to get out whatever answer he wanted but the thing is I have no idea what he's talking about. Bitch at least tell me what's the point of you being here, grilling me as soon as I wake up. I added a raised eyebrow to complete my look of confusion. "MICHEAL'' what... "How. Did. You. Get. Michael. To. Play. Along. With. You '' Dr. Loomis asked-Well more like growled through his bared teeth. He would probably make a good cat furry... "Fine then, don't tell me." He said "I will find out just like how everyone will find out what really happened that night." He told me as he walked out of my 'room'. Ok? Like I care. I don't even know these random ass people and I'm not itching to stay here for long. I felt a sharp pain in my chest when I said that.. it was probably just from the guards' needle gun or whatever you call them.

I woke up again. Damn I didn't even know I fell asleep again. I decided to look around my "room". A window with bars on it, in the middle of the far wall away from the bed, a desk in front of that said window, and the bed that I'm on now, being in a corner. The thing that really caught my eye was the big, heavy metal door. I looked out the window and from what I can see outside is just pure woods for what looks to be for miles. There was a big barbed warded fence at least 50 yards away from the building. I was on what looked to be the 3rd or 4th floor out of about 6 floors here.

As I was making notes in my head, if there was any way I could get out. Sadly I got none. The big door lock twisted and turned and what sounded like more locks unlocking soon after. "Y/N Hart, please step away from the door and allow the guards to cuff you and please cooperate with us."  As they dragged me out the room, I heard a oh so familiar voice. "Hello again Y/N." Dr. Loomis said cheerfully as if what happened in the past few hours never happened. "I'm just getting everyone rounded up for dinner." Dinner? Oh yeah. Jeez, I feel like I've been here for hours. At least I don't have any bigass chains on me. The guards that were besides Dr. Loomis came into the room. Fuck. I spoke too soon. More chains. Lucky since it's only dinner and I'm not being transported, there are less chains. Only chains that go around my wrists and my ankles as they meet together to connect. As they walk me out of the room, we walk down the hall for only a few steps  until we stop at another door. I'm just now realizing that there are doors all down the hallway. The guards do their dumb speech again about getting away from the door and shit.  I look to the right of the door and I see that there is a name tag saying "Thomas Hewitt".  Ooo Arms dude. As Thomas steps out of his room, the guards shove him behind me. He huffs and shrugs his shoulders to get the guards hands off of him. I turn my head to look at him since I haven't really got the chance to before.

Dark brown hair, a little curly, a little on the cubby side but I'm pretty sure that it's just muscle, a mask of what looks to be leather but I won't ask. A white shirt that shows off his scarred arms. Oh my fucking god, stop with the fucking arms. Anyways, white pants and black gym shoes without any laces. I hate it when hospital do that. Surly who the fuck is going to be in a fight and goes "Hold up let me get my shoelaces" and then process to bend down and take off their shoes laces and then go "Ok processed"? No one. Abobusty no one. As my little rant about shoelaces was happening, I didn't realize that we already got 2 more people. Carrie and Tiffany, and apparently since they only have tiny handcuffs for tiff since ya know, she's a doll. They held her out for me to carry her. I felt a little bad, they held her out to me like she's a disease, so I took her. I don't know how to hold her so i held her the only way i remember getting held by was holding her like a baby in between my arms. I wasn't paying much attention to her, only making sure she didn't fall. I could feel her shifting around in my arms, I looked down at her with a questionable glace. "Oh, just trying to get comfortable." She said.

As we started walking down the hall picking up more people. We got Hannibal, Billy, and Stu, apparently tiff found a spot in my arms as she sighed and said with a purr in her voice as she sank into my arms, "Oh this is nice". As we got to Micheal's room, Dr. Loomis was being a weirdo and went in with the guards to get Michael. Creep. He came out before the guards did, muttering to himself and writing down notes. Like a fucking crazy person, just saying. As the guards and Michael came out of the room and were about to bring him to the back of the line, Dr. Loomis cleared his throat and said "Here, just put Micheal next to Y/N." Why he said that, I don't know but whatever.

As me, Micheal and Tiff were the "line leaders" as you could put it. We "picked" up everybody else. We  started going through out the hallway of doors and into some more doors and hallways, we finally stopped at a big set of double doors that has a name tag next to it saying "Cafeteria".

AN- sorry its short i couldn't care less:) at least we got more thomas. BAHAH I FEEL SO BAD HE WASNT IN THE LAST CHAPTER LIKE AT ALL ABJBSDJB.

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