Part Three - The Arangment

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"Don't play dumb, y/l/n! Someone must have told you!" Draco said rolling his eyes.
"No! Knowone told me! Who all aranged this!?" You said trying to hold back tears.
"Both of our parents and the you-know-who aranged this months ago! Did they sereously not tell you!" Draco said in dissbelife.
"Does it look like someone told me!!" You yelled. "Why didn't you tell me!?"
"I thought you already knew!" Draco replyed angerly. By now you are getting pissed off and you just want to blame everything on Draco. "You could have atleast told me!"
"Why would I tell you? Shouldn't that have been you parents job?!" You think for a moment. Whondering why the hell you own parents didn't tell you about your own marrage. "Well... yes but you could have been like, 'hey y/n, I was just wondering if you knew about our aranged marrage?' Then I would have been like, 'omg no I didn't! But thank you for telling me!'" Draco's face gets red with anger and he says, "you know what. I would rather die than marry you! You know why?! Because you always are trying to find a way to piss me off!"
"Well I would rather die then spend the rest of my damn life with you!" You yell back to him. You can tell that really pissed him off because next thing he yells is, " you know what?! Just leave! I can find a mending spell and fix the cabinat on my own!!"
"Good! 'Cuse I wasn't going to help you anyway!" You yell at him as you leave the library.

Time skip to December

Christmas break is in two days, you are at breakfast sitting with Pansy and Blaise (ever sense the first day of school they have started dating).
"What are you doing over break y/n?" Pansy asked you.
"I'm probobly just going to stay here at Hogwarts... I'm sorta mad at my parents right now." The owls fly into the grat hall. Your owl drops a letter to you from you parents. You rip the envilope open and read the letter.

Y/n, insted of staying at Hogwarts for Christmas break as you wished, you will be meeting us at the Malfoy Manor. You and Draco Malfoy will leave together. We will tell you everything when we see you there.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                - mum & dad

"never mind. I guess I'm not staying for break..." You whisper dissapointed.

1 hour later

You and Draco haven't spoken sence the argument you two had in the library. But when you see him in the halls you handed him the letter your parents sent you. He reads it, nods, and walks away without saying a word.

Two days later

You and Draco meet up at the train platform in Hogsmead. After awile, the train stops at the playform and you, Draco, and all the other students that are going home for the holiday get on the train. "Great. Now I haft to spend a six hour train ride with y/n y/l/n." Draco scoffs.
You roll your eyes and say, "look, I'm not so fond of this eather, but do you really haft to make this whole thing about you?" There is a long silence, then Draco turns to you and says, "have your parents even menchoned anything to you about this whole thing?"
"nope..." you say annoyed. Draco turns away and whispers just loud egnough for you to hear, "thats pathetic."
"right!" You scoff. After awile of sitting one the train in an ocword silence you fall asleep.

Six hours later

"y/n!.....y/n! WAKE UP!" Draco yells in your face.
"Ok, ok I'm up!" You say tiredly. You and Draco get your trunks and get off the train to meet both of your parents. You and Draco say hello to each of your parents.
Your mother turns to you and says, "there is a lot to talk about."
"Yes, mother I know." Draco's parents walk up to you. "Hello y/n. I'm Narcissa, Draco's mother." she hold out her hand and you shake it. You have met Lucius befor so he just says, "It's a pleasure to see you once again ms y/l/n."
"Same to you mr Malfoy." you reply shyly. Your father then breaks the silence by saying, "well then... we'd better be off!" You all aperate to the manor.

At the Malfoy Manor

When you walk into the manor you see that is is dark and modern, 'Atleast it's my style." You say to yourself. Once everyone is inside, Narcissa tells everyone to sit at the dinning room table. You sit beside your parents and Draco sits beside his.
"Now then. Have you told your daughter what is happening y/d/n?" Lucius asked your father. You father looks at you with a slight nervouse look and says, "erm... no, we haven't." Your mother turns to you and starts to say, "erm, y/n... you and Dra-" You interupt her saying, "mother, father... I already know! J-Just don't waist your breath..." Your parents look shocked. They wonder how the hell you found out about the marriage.
"h-how did you find out!?" Your mother exclames shocked.
"It doesn't matter how I found out I just did!" you say to her. Your father then says, "So you know about you and Draco getting mar-" you then interupt him, "About me and Draco getting married? Then yes!"
"Don't interupt me when I'm talking to you young lady!" Your father says sturnly.
"s-sorry father..." you say quietly. There is a long silence. "Well then. I see there is noughting more to talk about." Your mother says.
"Well... just one more thing." Narcissa says turning to you. You mother then says, "oh, yes, yes, right."
"What is it?" You say with a shakey voice. Narcissa takes a breath, turns to Draco, then back to you and says, "y/n. You will be staying here. In the Malfoy Manor from now on."

   Sorry again for the spelling mistakes... and all the time skips in this chapter! Is anyone even reading this? lol. Idk but I love wrighting this story! I'll work on the next chapter tomarrow!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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