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( skip a few days because it would just be them settling in and i dont wanna have to write that )


( very much thank you to @smilesnotfound for this idea <33 )

"no way. that is an awful idea" tommy shakes his head, looking back at the computer. "come on, pleasee" tubbo whines, sitting on the floor beside tommy. the latter turns his chair to face tubbo, a look of exhaustion on his face "i would love to go ice skating, if any of us knew how." he turns back to the computer, finding places to adventure. ranboo walks in carrying three soda cans. "ice skating? sounds like fun" he smiles widely as he speaks, handing a soda to the others before opening his own. "you know how?" tommy turns to face ranboo, smiling as he grabs the soda. "err, no, but they have lessons at the rink and we could-" tommy quickly cut him off, shaking his head. "there is no way ill be taking lessons from an american." tubbo scoffs "ok, we wont take lessons then! lets just wing it, im sure its not that hard" ranboo nods in agreement and tommy sighs "fine, if you get hurt its not my fault"

"RANBOO HELP" tubbo shouts, grabbing ranboos arm. "DONT GRAB MY ARM I CAN BARELY KEEP MYSELF BALANCED LET ALONE YOU" ranboo shouts, falling only seconds later. tommy bursts into laughter. "L" he shouts, adjusting his arms to balance better. "OH FUCK OFF YOU HAVENT EVEN MOVED PAST THE ENTERANCE" tubbo yells, laughing.

despite the chaos and the confusion, the boys were content. happy. none of them could describe this feeling, but it was warm and comfortable. almost safe in a way.

tommy skates over to tubbo, crashing into him causing them both to hit the floor. "i was doing so well" tubbo whines (or at least attempts to but his laughter makes it more of a shout.) tommy rolls over, wheezing loudly. "i didnt-" his sentence is cut off by more laughter. "i didnt mean to crash into you, it just happened!" tommy stands up, with great struggle, and offers tubbo his hand. "I GOT THE HANG OF IT!!" ranboo yell enthusiastically, moving slowly towards the others. "take my hands and we can all go together, you know, to make it easier" ranboo smiles, holding his hands out to tommy and tubbo. the boys take his hands quickly and try to mimic what he does. 

tommy feels his phone buzz and reaches into his pocket to grab it.

will: where are you guys??

BIG T: wdym?

will: im at the airport, my plane just landed a few minutes ago.

BIG T: shit

BIG T: give us like 5 minutes, 10 tops

"shit shit shit shit" tommy mutters, tubbo and ranboo look over at him. "we forgot wilbur is coming today, we have to go. like now." the boys make their way out of the rink and into the car. ( a/n: idk if ranboo can drive but in this he can for convenience ) ranboo drives to the airport, not speeding but pushing it. wilbur was standing outside by the time they got there. "finally, you fuckers forgot about me, didnt you?" wilbur throws his suitcases in the trunk before climbing in the backseat with tommy. "no, of course not, we just didnt know when you were getting here." tommy smiles, the lie obvious in his voice. "i hate you" wilbur rolls his eyes, tommy pouts in response.

the car ride was chaotic, full of shouting and singing. but the boys were happy. happier than they expected, and it felt nice. it felt like home.

"thanks for coming wilbur, its nice having you around." ranboo smiles as theyre getting out of the car at wilburs hotel. "oh dude of course, ive been trying to find an excuse to come to america anyways." tommy turns quickly "you have??" he shouts, looking at wilbur. "yea, just for the hell of it" tommy stares at wilbur, baffled. "tommy, its really not that surprising" tubbo rolls his eyes. "well, it was a pleasure seeing you wilbur but we should get home, its getting quite dark" wilbur nods, shoving tommy lightly "yea, always a pleasure, cya tomorrow!" he smiles, walking into his hotel. the other three get into the car. "i missed will" tommy smiles, waving out his window. "you always do" tubbo responds, also waving.

a/n: ive got a few things to say :)

1. this chapter is probably very terrible, but i hope you liked it, i probably wont do many irl chapters because i find them more difficult to write


3. ill try my best to upload daily but i cant make any promises, ive got a lot of stuff going on and school starts in almost a month so im trying to prepare for that, thank you so much for all of the love despite my very inconsistent schedule!

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