fly like Icarus, drown like Icarus

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From the start, he had known he was a replacement.

Even in ROOT, it didn't take long for him to realise he was to be a replacement for Shin. So it wasn't a surprise to him, that he too was a replacement in Team 7.

His position was only temporary—always had, always will. So when Uchiha Sasuke returned, Sai was ready to return to ROOT. He was ready to return to the life of blank emotions, daily reports and classified missions.

He did not expect her to stop him.

"Sai, where are you going?"

Haruno Sakura's green eyes pull him in like no other and he doesn't have the will to fight her.


Sai was first brought to Konoha under the pretence of diplomatic ties between countries when it was actually a slave trade. Officially, he was orphaned due to the war and joined Konoha for refuge. Unofficially, his family—the one he barely remembers had sold him off to a trading company of slaves the moment their first son had returned safely from war. It was then that he realise his existence was to be a temporary replacement for his older brother he hadn't known existed to his parents. Were his parents actually his parents? He didn't know. 

Was everything a facade?

Despite all that, Sai had always been a quiet child. Never to whine, never to complain and never to throw a tantrum, so it was no wonder why he was easily bought by a man called Shimura Danzo. 

Shimura Danzo—a councilman, wanted soldiers that would never question his authority, would never complain, would never whine or talk back and if that wasn't enough, Danzo introduces every new recruit to a seal to ensure they stayed that way. The placement of that seal itself was excruciatingly painful and many recruits failed to be conscious by the time it ended but the pain only reminded Sai that he was still alive and that someone had wanted him. 

Someone wanted him. And with this seal placement—albeit a little painful—  ensures Sai's placement.

It ensures Sai will stay.

And if all of this only required Sai to be loyal to this man, then Sai will do it in a heartbeat.

However, Sai soon finds out loyalty is only one of the many traits that Danzo requires. Danzo wants soldiers. and a scrawny kid claiming loyalty is far from it. After all, actions speak louder than words. Just like that, he and the rest of the kids were given a strict schedule and assigned a partner to follow. Shin was his partner and his senior. Sai followed Shin's teachings with no complaint. Shin was the first person Sai could really connect with. Shin was powerful and disciplined. Sai likes Shin. He was the perfect soldier for Danzo. 

Under Shin, Sai execute many missions; ones where he assassinates individuals who Danzo deem are dangerous to Konoha. Sometimes this consists of children younger than him, supposedly heirs or is related to dangerous bloodlines that could pose a threat to Konoha. Sai didn't think much of his actions back then, but now looking back, Sai is ashamed and regretful to admit that he was responsible for the extinction of many bloodlines.

As Sai continues to climb the rank within ROOT to stand beside Shin equally, he soon finds out that Shin wasn't as perfect as he portray himself to be. Had he not seen Shin wiping away the blood away from his mouth, Sai would still believe the perfect facade Shin had set up. It wasn't long then for Sai to notice other symptoms Shin had. Shin was thin. Very thin. Shin had been eating less and less these days. His lack of appetite and nutrients had contributed to his lack of strength in training. Sai was able to match his strikes and even return ones of his own— sending Shin flying towards a tree.

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