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Still Y/N's POV

Adam, Bree, Chase and I walked back into the training room to start training for today. Chase began talking as we walked into the room," All right, everybody, listen up. Today we're going to take you step by step through a real life mission where we had to shut down a particle collider." Leo shouts raising his hand," I was there! I was also on that mission. In fact, I had to rush in there to push these guys out of harms way. That's right-I mentored the mentors." Spin calls bluff," Liar you weren't there." Oh how wrong he was. "He's telling the truth Spin. He saved us," I said. Bree was the next to speak up," Yeah, Actually, he was. He saved our butts." Adam spoke next," Yes, he did. And it was then I realized that he and I would be friends for the rest... of that year." What? "I don't even know why I'm in the same hoop with these amateurs. They're the ones that need to learn, not me," Leo said. "Leo we've been over this already. First off, you haven't even had you're bionics for that long, meaning you still need to master them. And second, you're only part bionic," I explained. Spike spoke up," You know what I don't need to learn? How to kick your butt!" "Can you even reach that high," Leo asked as Spin stepped towards him. "You're about to find out," Spike yelled before Terry stopped in between the two boys. "Hey hey hey hey! fight on your own time. And preferably in a large area where I can make a mud pit and charge for admission," Terry said. She then pointed to Adam, Bree, Chase, and I saying," I need to see you four. Outside." This can't be good.

"Uh, Leo, we'll be right back. You lead the class," Adam said as we started walking out. "Got it," I heard Leo say as we left. We were in the mission control room. "Alright, Terry, what's the problem," I asked. Terry had a serious look on her face," Someone stole explosives from the weapons area. I'm telling you guys, something is going on around here." That doesn't make any sense. Why would the someone steal the explosives? We all began to start talking when Mr. D strutted into the room. "What's going on," He asked. "Someone stole the explosives from the weapons area," Terry explained. Mr. D's expression changed," What?" Adam started speaking," No worries. All we have to do is wait for someone to explode, and boom! That's our guy." Oh, brother. "Adam, that person would be dead. That wouldn't really help us," I said looking at Adam. "Oh I already know who did it," terry said. "Who," Bree asked. Terry turned to her," The creepy looking guy. You know, dark hair, whiney voice, always making googly eyes at you." Ew. Men. Wait. Dark hair rules out Bob. Sebastian? I mean weird stuff is starting to happen and he did ask Chase for a new bionic ability earlier. "So right there we know he's messed up in the head," Terry said, looking back to everyone. "Wait. Sebastian," Chase said, speaking my thoughts," No he wouldn't do that. He's my best friend. We talked about it. We're official now."

I looked back at Chase," I mean, it's possible he's just using you Chase." Chase looked at me," Y/N I think I would know if I was being used, I'm the smartest man on Earth." "Yeah, MAN. I'm the smartest WOMAN on Earth, I'm just as smart as you," I corrected. Terry broke the silence," Well I scanned the surveillance tape, and he's the only one that was in that area. It all adds up. First, he stole the swipe cards. Then he broke into the weapons area. Now, if I were a criminal, which I'm not, because community service cleared my record, I'd say that his next move is to blow this place to smithereens!" Mr. D said," Look, you can't just go around accusing students without any proof. And last time I checked, hoarding feral cats in a Winnebago does not count as community service." "It does if you're dating an Animal Control officer," Terry shot back. Sebastian and two other guys asked in, talking. Terry looked right at him and said," There's the perp right there! Hey! Where ya headed, Sebbie? Out for a stroll? Little break between classes? Give me those explosives!" Adam an Mr. D had to hold her back. Sebastian asked," What's she talking about?" "She thinks that you stole explosives from the weapons area," Bree told Sebastian. "What?! Why would I do that," He asked in defense. Terry shook her head," Don't play coy with me. I'll find those explosives. I have the nasal cavity of a bomb sniffing dog. Literally. That's what I get for saving a few bucks on a nose job in New Guinea." She sniffed. I learn new things about this woman everyday. "look, let's just all go down to the weapons area and figure out what's going on," Mr. D suggested. Adam replied," Suit yourself. I'm more interested in Perry's dog nose." He touched her nose," Ooh. It's cold— you're healthy." She growled, yes, GROWLED, at him, making him remove his hand from her nose. He hissed back at her. This is gonna be a long day. 

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