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After I was let out out the cell and bracelet, Tony sent me to a guest room. I can't sleep when I'm not in my capsule but I didn't want to bother the team with my problems so I just kept quiet. It was 8 pm and I decided to text Tasha.

I turned my phone off

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I turned my phone off. I sat in silence until I got a mental link. From Bree. Uh oh.

Are you okay? You haven't came back yet and I'm starting to get worried.

I have to tell her.

Uh, funny story. I got taken by this group of super heroes, I guess. Don't worry though, I'm safe. Just please don't tell anyone. If I need help, I'll tell you. But let me see how this will all play out.

She replied.

Okay, but stay safe. I love you, goodnight.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

Always, love you too. Goodnight.

I guess everything is cleared now. I don't know what to do now. I'm kind of bored. I sat at the edge of the bed and turned on the TV. I ended up watching "I Love Lucy". I love this show, I would watch re runs on the TV that Mr. Davenport kept in the basement for us. I looked at the time on the clock sitting on the nightstand. 2 am already? I just shrugged and went back to the show. I was watching the episode where Lucy and Ethel believed they had the same rights as men. I heard a soft knock on my door. "Come in," I said. The door opened and Wanda stepped into the room before shutting the door behind her. "Hey. Can't sleep either," She asks. I shook my head," Actually I can't sleep. I need to sleep in a capsule and since mine is at my house, I can't sleep. What about you?" She sat down beside me. "I have nightmares, and once I wake up it's hard for me to go back to sleep. You watch I Love Lucy," Wanda asked as she glanced at the TV screen. "Yeah I used to watch re runs as a kid. Do you watch it too," I inquire.

"Yeah. I watched it as a kid with my family," She told me. I saw sadness in her eyes at the mention of her family. I decided to change the subject," Well, seen as though we both can't sleep, wanna watch with me? I don't mind the company. Actually kinda boring in this big room all alone." "Sure. Why didn't you come and join us? The team only went to bed at 11," Wanda mentioned. To be honest I was nervous, I'm not the best at making friends. But can you blame me? I was kept in a basement until I was 16. "I didn't want to bother you guys. Plus I'm not the most social person in the world, I would've looked like an idiot," I confessed. She gave me a small nudge," Oh come on. You're doing great so far with me. The team isn't as scary as they look." "Okay enough of me and my social awkwardness, let's just watch some TV," I said with a smile. We eventually laid on the bed and watched TV. Wanda even laid her head on my shoulder. A little after that happened I looked back at the clock and it was 4 am.

I turned over to Wanda and discovered she was asleep. I didn't know if I should put her head on the pillow so I just laid there with her. I didn't want to wake her up. I kept watching the show but I always found myself looking at her and all of her facial features. Wanda was cuddled into me as I watched the sunset start to rise through the window near the bed. She started to stir in her sleep a bit so I knew she was going to wake up. When she opened her eyes she said," I'm so sorry. I should probably go." "Hey, it's all good. You can't control what happens in your sleep. It is 7 am though, you want breakfast," I asked. She turned back to me and nodded," Sure." We both got up and made our way down to the kitchen. It was empty so it was just the two of us. "What do you want to eat," I asked Wanda. She thought for a second," Hmm... Oh! Pancakes, my favorite." "My favorite too. Actually my favorite thing to cook and eat," I stated. Wanda opened her mouth," You can cook?" "Yeah, it's just a hobby I picked up," I answered. I brought out the ingredients from the cabinets to start making the pancakes and slowly the rest of the team sat down in the kitchen. "Okay, Y/N, go ahead and introduce yourself," Toby said. Sam agreed,"Yeah everyone has a backstory." I began to talk while still making all the pancakes," Okay so I have four siblings. Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo. We are all 19. Adam, Bree, and Chase are the first bionic humans and once our dad, Mr. Davenport, mastered how to use the bionics, he gave me all of Adam, Bree, and Chase's bionics. We grew up in a basement-" Natasha interrupted me," I'm sorry. A basement?"

I assured her,"Oh. It technically is a basement. But it was more of a lab where we trained for missions and things like that. So we were there everyday until we were 16. That's when our dad married his wife, Tasha, who had a son our age, Leo. Leo helped us get out and explore the world. We were going on missions and saving lives like we were trained to do. Then our evil uncle turned out to be Adam, Bree, and Chase's real father. But Mr. Davenport saved them because our Uncle Douglas was going to use them as weapons to control the world. Just wanna clarify my dad is the one who wasn't evil." Vision asked,"Didn't you say that this Leo also has bionics?" "Yeah. After a battle, Leo's arm was crushed and the only way to save it was to give his arm bionics. Then Leo's leg got crushed by one of our dad's inventions and instead of letting the hospital perform a procedure, he took him home and made another one of his limbs bionic," I said. "Where do you currently live," Steve asked. "Well, we left our house in Mission Creek. My mom still lives there and my dad basically lives there. My siblings and I live in our bionic island." "Bionic Island," Bucky questioned. "We were able to save hundreds of other bionic people and now we have a facility, on an island, where we train them to go on missions to save the world," I answered. The team kind of just stood there shocked. Oh boy. This is gonna be another long day.

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