5. Mishaps

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Kaia's pov

Flash is actually an okay driver. I thought the danger Spiderman might have to save me from was going to be a car crash. Caused by Flash.

He parked the car in front of a deli and then we began to walk around.

"I'm going to show you where one of my favorite cafe's are."  he told me.

"Alright lets go. Is it far from here?"

"A little bit. I just wanted to walk, because this is a bit of a poorer area and I didn't want to be flexin my car if you know what I mean."

"Uh. sure." He's a bit cocky but its whatever. 

I pull out my phone and text my dad to get ready. The plan is being set into action.

As we continue walking, I step on my shoelace so it unravels itself. I pretend to notice when we get close to an alley. I didn't actually want to go in there, because then that might have been too risky. Too out of sight.

So we're more like in front of the alley, out of the way of others, but not too far in where you can't see us.

I bend down to tie my shoe. I stand up and look at Flash who now looks mortified. 

"You good Flash? what's wrong" I ask

"Kaia whatever you do, don't turn around."

I do the only reasonably logical thing and turn around. A few feet in front of me is some guy with a gun. Shit. I didn't expect to come face to face with a gun threat. I was just planning on stealing something small that'll get attention, or cause a public disturbance. I was gonna figure it out eventually.

"Put your hands up and walk over here, the second either of you try to scream for help I'll blast your damn heads off." The guy said as he slowly backed up into the allyway. 

With no choice but to follow, Flash and I walk into the alleyway. It looks very ominous. I tried to make myself look as small and helpless as I could, so he couldn't see what was about to happen.

He turned around to talk to someone I think. Ok, now I know there's two people. I look back at Flash who looks like he's on the verge of tears. Now I kind of feel bad for dragging him into this.

I run and jump onto the first guys back. I'm able to twist his arm and disarm him. Ignoring Flash's screams telling me to stop, I throw the gun as far away as I can, hoping it doesn't go off when it hits the floor. 

It does.

The guy I'm on grabs me and throws me onto the ground. 

"Wrong choice little girl." he said with a little smirk. He kicks me in the side. I get up as fast as I can as he brings his leg back, getting ready to kick me again.

I jump up and sock him in the face with my fist. I couldn't make my fighting look too crazy and professional because Flash is right there, and he asks too many questions.

The guy grabs me by my upper arms and slams me into the wall. Now my vision is getting fuzzy. The other guy is suddenly at his side and now is trying to take my wallet and my phone. I'm still trying to fight them off, but due to my new concussion, I'm too disoriented to stop them. 

This spider guy better hurry it up, because I am not about lose my life to a couple of amateur muggers.

I suddenly get thrown to the floor and the guy I punched in the face began to kick me repeatedly in the chest.

As I'm losing consciousness, I hear another voice.

"Hey guys! Mugging people is so last year. Didn't you get the memo?"

You could call it love ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now