Episode 1

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My alarm is so annoying come on it sounds like an ambulance but it has to  because I sleep like a dead person,at least that's what my best friend says.

Anyway,it's Monday morning and I'm so pissed off, it's a combination of two things I hate, Anyway let's get today started.

"Oh my God it's 8:30 I'm so late,I'm so screwed. Okay calm down don't panic"

This happens every Monday, I know as a Co-CEO it's not supposed to matter, but it does because of that evil mean arrogant Liam Parker, he'll never let it go
I quickly run to the bathroom, freshen up, and now it's time for the hardest part.

"What am I going to wear"

I pick up the first cloth I see because I'm already late. It's a black gown I put it on and I must say I really look good.

I put my hair up on a ponytail, very classic. Now I'm really late 9:30am,I thought I was fast. I took my bag, put on a peach and black heel and left my room.

"Rise and shine beauty wow you're looking really good finally took my fashion advice huh"And there goes my best friend and roommate Lucy.

"Why didn't you wake me up, you're so mean" I said while looking for what to eat. I'm really going to be so late.

"Do I have to remind you why I'll never wake you up again" she said sorry I mean screamed.

Oh here she goes again, it happened only once, she came to wake me up and I happen to punch her in her eyes, with so much strength I didn't even know I had in me. With her being a model, she had to miss a shoot and I have never stopped hearing it.

" I already apologized like a million times" i said to her even if she didn't care less.
"Yeah,whatever, anyway you're so dead Liam is so killing you,it's almost 10,who the hell goes to work by now" She said reminding me once again that I'm late and still haven't found anything to eat. I just continued searching for anything I can eat even an apple will do now.

"I made breakfast for you, it's  the food pack so stop scattering everywhere and get your lazy ass to work" she said to me and in that moment I felt loved and appreciated even after being called a lazy ass.

"I love you so much,thanks a lot I always knew you loved me"
I said picking up the food pack and running out of the house. I could hear Lucy saying goodbye but i was already out of the house.

I took a taxi and went to work, I don't drive because the last time I did it was a disaster. The taxi pulled over at my work place and I stepped out. I know I come here every day but the beauty and structure of this building always amazes me

"Good morning Tiana"  The receptionist greeted. I replied with a nod which I don't usually do but I was in already so late and just wanted to get to my office quickly.

I got to the elevator and someone was just coming out of the elevator, I was so lucky, I said hello to the lady who I think works in finance and entered the elevator. It felt like eternity before I finally got to the 20th floor where my office is.

As soon as I stepped into the office, the first face I saw none other than the great Liam Parker and he looked so angry. I'm just going to pretend I don't know what's going on and go into my office because I seriously don't know what to do.

"Tiana, where do you think you're going, what the hell is wrong with you, do you have any idea what the time is ?" he said it so quietly and angry as if he was talking to a child. Come on I always try my best. He was just being mean and that is only to me, he's always nice to others but it's as if I bring out the anger in him.

"I'm really sorry Liam, I woke up late. I will make sure it does happen I'm really sorry, please" I apologized with all sincerity to him

"That is not an excuse Tiana, that's stupidity, that's laziness and that's foolish, you really are worthless" he shouted at me this time and I felt hurt, because those words were just too much. The worst part was that everyone in the administration block could hear him and that was so embarrassing. Although I couldn't do anything about it, because just one word from Liam to my parent will get me into trouble and even make me get demoted.
This is because PARSON Group is a co company with I and Liam's parent being the founder. So they just added Parker and Johnson together and named it PARSON Group, so you can say the Parkers and Johnsons are very good friends and they adore and respect Liam a lot. So if he says one word to them I'm done for. My parent believe when someone does something wrong, they should be punished so the action is not repeated and that is why I did not grow up spoilt.

I just didn't say anything and walked away, he basically glared at me till I got into my office. I guess today's mood is already spoilt.

"Good morning" my assistant Martin says to me in a careful tone as if he's scared.
"Good morning Martin, how are you?, what's up?" I said to him letting him know I'm cool.
"I'm good, the edars meeting starts in 30 mins and these are the files for the meeting" he says dropping the files on my table, he gave me a nod and went out, closing the door to my office.
I'm already tired of a day that just began.

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