Episode 9

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Liam's POV

Last week has been so far the most stressful and most annoying week so far, from Tiana's stupid confession to her sudden reply which left me so shocked and then finally the worst of it all is that she did not come to work since that day, when I asked her secretary he said she took the rest of the week off, I had to do her work although her secretary also assisted me.

Anyway today the Parkers and Johnsons were going to the beach for a family get together. I really don't see the point though, my mom and dad with Tiana's mom and dad were always together, I guess this meeting was just another way for our moms to try and fix I and Tiana up again. I do not know why they even bother themselves with something that will never ever happen.

By the time I got to the beach everyone was already there. As I got closed to where they were, I saw Tiana and she looked wowww I was so shocked and did not even know the word to say, gorgeous and amazing seemed so small, I honestly have never seen her looking so hot, but hey don't start thinking that I like her, that is so not the case at all I was just admiring her. Tiana always look good and gorgeous with anything she puts on but I would never in my life tell her this because I hate her and I live to make her life miserable not enjoyable.

When I finally got to their spot the two moms greeted me with a kiss on my cheek and the dads just said hello and continued talking about something I think is related to either sport or business. Tiana did not even behave as if she noticed me at all, she just lied down on a mat wearing a sunglass and a headphone  busy talking to her best friend Lucy who just like Tiana completely ignored me, I really don't know what their problem is.

"Liam, you and Tiana should go get us cold drinks everywhere is hot" my mom said and I just looked at her for long without saying anything because I was just wondering why she would not stop.

"Please baby" my Mom said this time with her large puppy eye looking teary.

"Fine I'll go what do you want to have" I asked looking totally defeated.

"Just get us two large cups ofsoda with ice" Tiana's mom replied this time.

"Mom I think I'll pass, I really need to get tanned so I don't think I'll go with Liam" Tiana said leaving everyone including our dads in total shock and confusion.

"Pumpkin are you okay" Tiana's dad asked looking worried and confused at the same time.

"Yes, I'm okay daddy" Tiana replied her dad who still did not look convinced.

"Did something happen between the both of you" my dad asked this time around.

"Nope what's all this question for?" Tiana replied as she was starting to get annoyed with all the questions.

"Liam what did you do" this time it was my mom who was not talking but seriously shouting.

"He did not do anything, what is going on, okay alright fine I'm going with can all of you just cool off" Tiana said or should I say shouted at everyone and she immediately stood up and left going towards the beach bar.

I started to follow her and I really don't know why but for the first time I was scared of Tiana, in all my life I have never seen her shout or get angry because she was told to do something with me, usually she was always so happy when our moms try to pair us up for anything. I guess she was really serious about totally killing all the feelings she had for me.

I just slowly followed her till I got to the bar. We ordered what we wanted and finally started walking back.

"Liam can you please just behave the way you used to please" I turned to see Tiana talking to me.

"What are you talking about" I said because I did not even know where she was coming from.

"You know your former behavior were you act like I'm not worth anything and you constantly remind me of how useless and worthless I am and how you hate when mom try to pair us up" she said while looking at her feet.

"Have I said or acted in any way to show or make you feel useful or that you have any worth at all, you'll always be worthless and useless to me you should always try to remember that, I believe that will help you get rid of that ridiculous feeling you call a crush" I said and immediately her eyes met mine and she looked shocked like she wasn't expecting me to say that. Why would she think that I would change the way I think about her, she would always be worthless to me.

"Hmmn, uhh you didn't say anything when our moms told us to go get them drinks, you just agreed" she was just saying nonsense.

"Just shut up and get going what you're saying does not matter to me" I said and immediately walked out taking our moms drink to them.

I gave them the drinks and we just spent the whole day together talking and hanging out. Tiana hardly said a word in any of the conversation she just kept operating her phone through out even after her mom complained, but Lucy sometimes contributed to some topics we argued on and I must say that she's cool.

"It was really nice to hang out today but before we go I have something to say"my dad said when we were getting ready to leave. We all looked at him waiting for him to say it

"As you know already the 13th annual joint meeting of the PARSON Group is going to be next month, normally I and Sam always attend as the CEOs but this year you and Tiana will be going together as Co-CEO of the PARSON Group" my dad said and at first I thought it was a prank or a joke but when I saw how serious he was I knew he wasn't joking at all.

"Can't I just go alone Tiana does not have to come" I said with all seriousness.

"Yes dad I think it's better he goes alone, I'm just here for 1 more year, Andy would be back soon so that would just complicate things" Tiana said agreeing with me and I was really surprised what's going on with her or was she planning something.

"Are you guys going to tell us what happened between the both of you, anyway I don't care what you're both saying better start parking because it is holding in Paris and it's a two weeks trip" Tiana's dad said with all finality and my dad was nodding through out the speech.

So this week has succeeded in ending in the worst way possible, I'm going to be spending two weeks with Tiana, I'm so screwed.

The picture is how Tiana dressed in the beach.
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