chapter 1

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Jordan was working at his desk when Lexa Stilinski walked into the station with her brother Stiles. As she passed him she smiled. "Hey Parrish." He waved. "Hi, Lexa. Stiles. Everything okay?" Stiles nodded. "yeah just came to see our dad about something. Let's go Lexie." She rolled her eyes and went into his office. You could hear them shouting. She wanted to go to a party but Stiles being the overprotective younger brother didn't think it was a good idea and wanted his dad's support. "She is an adult Stiles. She can do what she wants." He crossed his arms. "Dad, its dangerous out there. What if a creature gets Lexie?" She scoffed. "I can take care of myself you know. I am not like you two remember." Her eyes changed into that yellow color. Noah Stilinski sighed. "I still can't get used to that. My daughter being a wolf." She chuckled. "Dad it's still me. Scott had to do it or I would be dead right now." Stiles laughed. "It was because you shouldn't have been there in the fight. If you had stayed home like we told you too, Scott wouldn't have to do it." She shook her head. "You were there too. Nobody says something about you getting in the mix. It just was bad timing and they got me." Stiles rubbed his hair in a dramatic way. "Dad, please back me up on this." He closed his eyes. "I am not getting into the middle of this. She can handle herself and she can always call in Scott if she needs to. Now please let me work." Lexa smirked. "Thanks dad. In your face brother." Stiles sighed. "Fine, but don't rush into something. If you see something, call Scott." She smiled. "I will. I promise. You need to stop trying to protect me Stiles. I can handle myself. It's me that needs to protect you now and I do." They gave each other a hug because let's face it they couldn't live without one another. It was just a sibling discussion as it so often happens in every family. Lexa walked out and Jordan stopped her. "Hey, be careful okay. It's not because you are you know, that you can't get hurt." She rolled her eyes. "Don't you start too Parrish. I can handle myself." He smiled slim. "I am just looking out for you." Lexa smiled. "Thanks but it's fine." She walked out and Jordan gazed after her. "Thanks a lot dad." Noah sighed. "Stiles, you need to give your sister some space. Ever since it happened you have been stuck on her like duck tape. I am not happy she is a wolf now but it did safe her life. I rather have her like this then not at all. Now find something else to do and let me work." Stiles pressed his lips together. "Fine. Gonna go see Scott then." Noah nodded. "yes you do that." He walked out and texted Scott. "bro, I'm coming over. I need to do something." He got a reply right away. 'okay man, don't tell me you are still going on about Lexa and her party.' Stiles chuckled and texted back. "Dude, I would at least think you have my back. I'll be there in a bit." He got into his jeep and drove to Scott's house. 

Later that night Lexa drove to the party and she had met up with a friend who she hadn't seen in a while. They went to high school together. They were having fun until the night took a turn and Lexa got attacked by that same friend. She was not a wolf but something else. Scott and Stiles were gaming when Scott felt it. "Oh no." Stiles frowned. "What's wrong buddy, can't handle the loss?" He shook his head. "It's not that. It's Lexa." He immediately sat straight. "What about her? Scott don't mess with me." He sighed. "I think she is hurt." Stiles gasped. "We need to go look for her." He nodded. "yeah let's go." They got up and went to look for Lexa. Meanwhile she had called the one person that she knew that would not judge her. 'hello?' "Parrish, I need help." 'Lexie, what's wrong?' "I got hurt badly and I don't want to call my brother, Scott or my dad." 'Where are you? I'm gonna come pick you up.' "Close to where I was going to that party. out of sight. Track my phone. come quick." 'okay, I'm coming over. Hold on Lexie.' He hung up and grabbed his keys of the car and walked out of his apartment and drove as fast as he could tracking her phone to her location. Scott and Stiles were looking for her too. Jordan got to the building and rushed in. Lexa laid against the wall holding her side. "Lexie, what happened?" She was breathing heavy. "An old friend turned out to be no friend at all and came at me. I have no idea what she was but she got me good. I got her a few times but I don't know where she went. I made sure I hid for anyone." Jordan grabbed her in his arms to get her to his car. "I'll take you to Deaton." She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thanks Parrish." He smiled. "It's okay. I got you." He drove to Dr. Deaton's practice and walked in with her in his arms. "Alan, we need your help." He came from behind the corner. "What happened to Lexa?" He opened the gate to get in. "She got injured by someone. Her wound is hardly healing." He brought her to the table. "It's a deep claw gash. I haven't seen one like this before." He studied the gash and wanted to see if anything is still in there but Lexa was fighting it. "Lexa I need you to hold still or I can't examine you." She growled and clawed at him. "Mister Parrish, I need you to hold her down. By force if you have to. There is something in there." He frowned. "What do you mean?" He moved the light over her. "I think whatever slashed her, left something there or it broke off but its causing her not to heal. So she needs to be still or I won't be able to get it out." Jordan nodded and helped him hold her down. Lexa growled and that got all the way to Scott's ears who was now at the location where the party was. He followed her scent and found the spot where she was before. "she was here but someone took her. I can smell Parrish." Stiles took a deep breathe. "She probably called him. What the hell happened? She was just meeting a friend." Scott shrugged. "Let's call Parrish to find out." Stiles took his phone and called him but he wasn't picking up. "he isn't picking up." Scott placed a hand on his friends shoulder. "he is either driving or doing something to help Lexie." Stiles was nervous. "What if he is there to take her away to protect the supernatural?" Scott shook his head. "I still feel her. Come on let's go. We'll try on the way home." They went back to the jeep and drove back home. 

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