Chapter 5

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∾ Rolling the Dice ∾

- Chapter 5-

Bendy felt himself open his eye as he stared blankly at the wall of his bed. His mind still seemed foggy, and the toon had a hard time remembering simple things. His fingers still curled and uncurled into the fabric in sleepy bliss.

Where am I again? The Foundation in bed, right. What time is it? Scratch that what day is it? I feel like I slept for a week...

The demon yawned, groggily lifting his head. He slipped out of his bed, taking a moment to stretch, groaning softly to himself when multiple of his joints popped back into place. His stomach grumbled at him, reminding him of what it wanted him to do. Right, I should eat.

He sniffed the air a few times out of habit, before slowly shuffling to the bowl that was still laying in front of the door. It was sadly empty, and Bendy flopped down next to it with an exaggerated sigh. He even pawed at it a few times like how a cat would beg for food.

Soon enough, the door opened. Bendy slid his tired gaze to regard the person in the doorway, before pawing at the bowl again. "Seriously? Lazy little thing." The woman snickered. 

Nicky walked over and crouched down next to him, grabbing the bowl in the process. She took a moment to stroke his horns, before saying, "I'll be back in a few minutes. Try not to die of starvation, will you?" Bendy shamelessly snickered at that.

The woman heard, and stopped to stare at him for a second. "Did you just.. laugh at me?" She narrowed her eyes at him. Bendy chuckled again, rolling onto his back to present his stomach. It wasn't from fear though. 

He lost his balance and flopped to the side again, letting a puff of air escape him. Nicky snorted at him, before turning to get him food. It seemed Bendy had finally relaxed around somebody. Or maybe it was just because he was still tired. It was hard to tell.

The door opened again, the demon popping his head up to look expectantly at whoever entered. Nicky sat down on the floor with him, Bendy wasting no time to stand up and hurry closer to eat.

The woman kept the bowl close to her as a test to see where his trust was at. The toon didn't even hesitate to crawl into her lap, before shoving his face into the bowl. Nicky was quite startled with that, actually. The complete change in behavior from when he first arrived to now was quite the feat.

Bendy licked the remaining food off the dish before slumping closer to the human with a purr. Now that his stomach had shut up he finally had the chance to relax. He wiggled and changed his position so that his head was leaning against Nicky's stomach while the rest of his body followed her legs. 

His fingers managed to find their way into the scientist's lab coat, starting to knead as the woman just stared at him. "Hmph. At least somebody's comfortable." She snorted, but she was secretly happy about what the SCP did. 

After all, a kneading cat is a happy cat, and based on the SCP's actions so far, it was safe to assume it definitely acted the part.

The demon simply chuffed, leaning closer to her. He liked the heat her body was giving off in the otherwise chilly room. "Alright, alright. You can stay like that, for a little while." She emphasized the last bit so the SCP wouldn't think this was permanent. 

True to her word, the human shook the SCP off five minutes later. Bendy had hopped off when she asked him too, and was sniffing his empty food bowl in case he missed a morsel. Nicky groaned as she stood back up. Her legs had gone numb from sitting on a hard surface for too long.

"Ugh. I can't feel my legs. Damn you." Bendy didn't worry about what she said, since her tone was teasing. If it had been serious though, he'd be running. After the human waited for the tingling pain to stop, she attached the collar and leash to the SCP.

She gently tugged for him to follow as she led him to the door. Bendy was still nervous, but stuffed down his fear. He'd been doing that alot lately. The door opened, and Nicky looked at him expectantly. 

Bendy inched closer to the door, peeking around the corner before assuring himself nobody was there. He couldn't stop his tail from curling between his legs as he hurried past the door frame. It didn't stop him from accepting the treat Nicky gave him though.

The human guided him to another room, closer this time. Samir was waiting for them there. "Took you long enough. We were starting to worry 6030 ate you or something." He snickered and rolled his eyes.

"Haha very funny. Lets get this started then. Up." Nicky used a command at the end of her sentence, the demon quickly following the command and getting Bendy to hop up onto a chair. 

Both scientists were holding a clipboard as they sat down in the chairs opposite from the toon. "Alright, let's put this simply. You answer a question, you get a treat. Deal?" Samir held up a treat, the SCP jerking his head up to stare at it. Deal.

"Can you talk?"

Bendy thought about it. He hadn't tried to talk since his collar came off. "M-may-be?" Both scientists stared at him, mouths agape. Bendy let out a breathless laugh. "W-wow. I-I ha-haven't talked i-in dec-decades!" 

Nicky didn't know what to think of his voice. It was definitely male, its voice raspy and gritty, yet he sounded so childish. "What do you mean you haven't talked in decades?" Samir asked. "Col-collar." Bendy tilted his head to regard the scientist.

The man sighed, before sliding over two treats. The demon grinned, quickly gobbling them up. "Who put the collar on?" Nicky asked, scribbling in her clipboard. "D-dad." Bendy's smile faded at that, before looking down.

"Do you know why?" Bendy shook his head at the question. His throat was burning, and he knew that wasn't a good thing. "Do you know his name?" Bendy nodded.

"What's his name?"

The question sent Bendy's mind reeling. Of every single bit of agony he'd suffered, and never knew why. Of the mental and physical pain he had to deal with because of his drunken mistakes. Of every little horrible thing he had done to him, just to get some bit of sadistic pleasure out of it. Of the pain of watching your siblings being ripped away, and wondering when he would join themHe clenched his fist, his dulled down claws digging into his palm hard enough that it bled. 

"Joey Drew."

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