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Joey Drew was a very manipulative man. It was the third week of his...stay at the foundation. He'd only seen it once, in the hallways. The demon hadn't even noticed him, more intent on following the woman leading it away. It made him sick.

Slowly, Joey did what he did best; lying to twist his victim's ideas and viewpoints into something that fit his purposes. It was laughable, really. How weak all these 'guards' were. They didn't last long.

Joey frowned as he looked at his handiwork. He'd managed to brainwash half the guards in his cellblock. He'd been hoping for more by now. The other... test subjects knew what he was doing but didn't comment. He was far more successful than any of them had been.

Slowly, Joey's ideas spread. The demon was not to be trusted. It would kill them and destroy their lives the second it could. It helped that most of the workers were Christian. It made twisting their ideas even easier, as demons were naturally 'evil'.

Small groups of people started to dislike the demon. Some even went out of their way to avoid it. They feared it. Feared what it would do. The groups slowly started to grow.


Bendy had noticed growing mob of passive-aggressive humans. He was worried. Why did they avoid him? He learned to ignore the people who weren't paying attention to him. The foundation was safe. He could finally relax; not have to look over his shoulder for...





He'd overheard Nicky talking to another scientist about him. He was at the foundation. What if he-!?


The foundation would protect him.

They wouldn't hurt him.

At least, he was pretty sure they wouldn't... He'd heard about other 'SCPS'. They could get away with murder and not be punished for it. If he didn't do that and listened to their strange requests, he'd be ok!

They wouldn't let him get hurt.


Bendy was currently in his room, sitting on his bed as he played with the plush toys he'd been given. He giggled to himself as he made the stuffed bunny and stuffed deer run across the bedsheets. A stuffed cat laid on the side of the bed, forgotten for the time being. He had been given a stuffed wolf too, but the memories of his lost brother were too painful, and so it sat tucked away in his dresser.

The door opened, a familiar scientist walking through. She smiled when Bendy perked up, dropping his toys to come scrambling over to her. Nicky patted the SCP on the head as he squished himself closer to her.

The SCP froze for a moment, before going back to his bed and grabbing the cat. Returning to the human, he held up the plush excitedly. "Hav-v-e this!" The toon thrusted the toy into her arms, bouncing up and down as he waited to see her reaction.

The woman smiled at his antics. She knew she couldn't refuse the gift; it would break the SCP's heart to see his idol dislike something he gave her. They couldn't afford that. Not after all the work they did to get the SCP to heal.

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