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(Not edited)


Two weeks now, two weeks since I have been staying with Zachery, and mind you it has not been easy, I have been roaming around the huge house, no no more like a mansion, exploring every room, except one forbidden from me, yeah you guessed right, Zachery's room. Zachery avoided me like a plague, I didn't mind much since I was also avoiding him. I wasn't allowed to go out, the guards outside were strictly instructed not to allow me out or so I was told. I was tired,

Zachery has refused to tell me anything and I was feeling suffocated in the house, I haven't even seen the other guys after that kitchen. encounter. loneliness was something I was familiar with, so the lack of communication with other humans didn't bother me much. the house was just too big that's all.

I got up from the bed which I now call mine, with a determination to leave the mansion.
I went into the bathroom, took my bath and changed into blue denim and a black hood, and paired it with black sneakers,
I made the bed, looked around the room, and with a determined sigh and some motivating thoughts I walked out the door and made my way briskly towards the front door, I knew they were guards everywhere, but I was determined to leave. I walked past the kitchen, but on second thought decided to make breakfast cause I didn't know what will happen out there, and I didn't have any money on me.
I decided to make a quick toast with orange juice to go.

I proceeded out walking very fast I got out the front door and instantly spotted a guard in a black suit watching me,
I ignored him and continued my determined walk towards the gate, more guards on suits came out there were just roaming around the house. What was wrong with all men and suits, it was like a fucking company or organization of some sort, well I ignored them and they ignored me, but kept watching me, After about 20 minutes of walking, I got to the gate sweating and panting, the sun was hot, I walked to the massive gate with face recognition and fingerprint lock at the side with about four guards hovering over, I looked at the gate for a moment and then at the guards.
What the hell!!!?, they were no way out.
I moved close to the lock looked at it for a while then turned back to see one of the guards standing at the other side, watching me, I walked to him
"Hello please, can you open the gates I've got to go out,"
I said my lips forming a charming smile or so I hoped.
"We can't let you out," he said
his voice stone-cold as though he was automated.
He was blond with blue eyes with a nice bicep, I reeked my eyes over his physique, overall he was good-looking.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I have to get out and I don't care what I have to do.
I opened my eyes and battled my eyelashes at him, I moved closer with a flirty smile and my signature puppy dog eyes.
"Please I need to go out, a friend of mine is sick and at the point of death you have to let me out,"
I grabbed his hands for dramatic effect, he stood silent, I waited for a response, His face emotionless

"Please I will be back before you know it, I looked up at him my eyes close to tears, pressed against him hoping to get a reaction or response of any kind.

He stood there unmoving with a stoic expression on his face.

I couldn't believe he had resisted my puppy dog eyes, I used it on Julia and it had worked every time.

I let go of his arm and glared at him,

"I'm sorry ma'am we can't let you out," was his curt reply.
l huffed and stormed away from him, moving back towards the mansion
Fuck Zachery, fuck all of them.
I walked angrily back to the mansion,
With nothing to do I decided to explore some more, kicking off my shoes I pace angrily for a moment swearing under my breathe at Zachery and the guards.
I moved to the other side of the house, I hadn't had the chance to explore these parts, I got to the flight of seemly endless stairs, I looked at it for a minute, contemplating whether to continue or not, oh well I didn't anything better to do and I was curious. I started my journey up the stairs, feeling weird, I just couldn't shake off the feeling like I shouldn't be here, but I continued anyway.

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