3-A few days earlier

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Agatha grinned as Sophie leaned against her. "I missed this. I've been so busy." Sophie mumbled. 

Agatha wrapped one arm around her friends shoulder. "It's all happening so fast. They're growing up. Makes me think of us. So mature." Agatha smiled dreamily.


Agatha sighed and pulled away from Sophie. She stuck her head inside the door. "ARTHUR! LEAVE YOUR SISTER ALONE UNLESS SHE WANTS YOU. NOW, GET YOUR STUFF READY. THE OTHERS ARE COMING."

"Wow. And I thought out family was dysfunctional." Anadil's scratchy voice said.

Agatha whipped around and saw Hester, Anadil and their daughter, Lenora. Lenora had teal hair that was plaited and draped over her right shoulder, she had black eyes and pale skin. Four black mice scuttled over shoulders and nestled on her head. She glared at Arthur as him and Callis hurried out of the doors. Hester and Anadil looked the same, content in each others company. Anadil's rats peeked out of her pockets, and Hester's tattoo was full crimson red.

Their daughter was sort of a mix of both of them. She seemed to only care for her parents, her mice, Callis and her other friend, Braelynn (Mother Gothel's daughter) and Dot. She was sarcastic and fierce, hating boys and not being able to get close to many people. And unfortunately, Arthur had had the misfortune of falling for her. Who could blame him though? She was pretty and smart and snarky and had a dry sense of humour that entertained most people.

Arthur went pink and started to trip on his words and stutter. "H-hi L-Lenora." He muttered shyly.

"Hi Nora." Callis hurried over. 

"What did I say about nicknames, Call?" The last word was spat, but she was smirking.

Callis rolled her eyes, grabbing her friends arm and shoving past Rafal, who was leaning on the castle doors frame.

Rafal was laughing at Arthur. "You have such a crush." He was laughing his head off.

"At least I don't like my best friends sister?" The prince replied.

"Fair hit."

The two of them walked inside. Agatha sighed. Kids. "Hey guys. How's being the sheriff's?" 

"Fine. Dot's back in Nottingham, you know, working. Braelynn's here. Dot's been taking care of her." Hester explained.

Agatha considered it for a second, going on the fact Dot had married Kiko and they'd never had a child. It was nice they'd taken Braelynn l in. 

"Uh, you guys want to come in?" Agatha asked. 

Anadil shrugged and Sophie linked arms with Agatha. They spun around and disappeared inside, Agatha's midnight blue gown contrasting her friends cherry red. They entered the castle, shoes clicking delicately. 

Their two friends followed, seemingly unimpressed by the magnificent castle. The group entered the dining hall, seeing an impressive spread of food laid out. It all seemed so familiar...

"I found out exactly what dishes Merlin's hat made that day in the safe house." Agatha turned and spread her arms. "That was our last that year as a group. Now it will be our first. We were young and immature then, now we're the past and our kids our the future. I think it's funny. The last and the future. The first and the past." 

"Dramatic, much?" Anadil commented dryly. 

"I'm so glad I'm here, on the right side this time." Sophie pulled herself closer to Agatha. Then, Tedros strode in. He was in a loose, white shirt and cream coloured breeches. He was wearing boots. 

"Oh, uh, we were expecting company?" He seemed confused.

"Do you listen to anything I say?" Sophie growled.

"Not really." Tedros joked, before being shocked by a hot pink shot.

Sophie dusted off her hands and sat down. "Teddy, dear, why don't you go help the children?" She suggested, glaring daggers at him.

Hester and Anadil were giggling maniacally in the corner, and Agatha shrugged, her diamond crown glittering. Tedros sighed and disappeared out of the door. "You still can't talk to your friends in a crown." Hester snapped, and Agatha pulled it off her head and put it behind her back.


"I guess. Now, when do we have to get the children away." Anadil still sounded slightly annoyed.

"Oh, easy darling. After lunch and catch up it will be around 9pm. You shall all stay tonight, and tomorrow at 6am we shall leave for the Flowerground. Now, Nevers may not ride without extra precaution, but we are exceptions, as I am a Dean and you, Hester, Nightshade, and Lenora work for protecting the woods." Sophie seemed to be content.

"Don't call my wife darling." Hester snarled, her demon flaring up.

"Ok, uh, I'll call the kids." Agatha hurried, trying to avoid any fighting.

She rung a bell and the noise rang through the castle. Soon, the kids came into the room. Callis was chuckling, as it seemed she'd forced her friend into a dress. Lenora was wearing a teal ball gown with a halter neck. Braelynn smirked sideways at Callis, who chuckled.

 Tedros walked in, followed by Rafal. Arthur came in after them, talking loudly when he stopped abruptly. He had seen Lenora. He started mumbling and stuttering, his neck going crimson red and his cheeks blotched with colour. Callis smiled evilly at Braelynn and Rafal. They all sat down, leaving two seats next to each other, which forced Lenora and Arthur to sit together. He grimaced and glared at his sister. "I hate you."

"I know. Think of it as revenge for the no shirt."

He glared. 

Agatha was fighting a smile while Hester and Anadil seemed to be contemplating ways to torture Arthur. They began to eat. They chatted and after food they sat in a room that had been decorated with couches and chairs and a blazing fire to fight the cold night. They laughed and talked, reminiscing on the past. The adventures.

Soon, it was dark and the children were shooed upstairs to sleep. Everyone slept well that night.

The next morning they rode a carriage down to the Flowerground. Agatha said goodbye to her husband. He had to stay at the castle, while she helped welcome the new students. Sophie rolled her eyes when they kissed. She shoved him away and into his carriage, making sure he was gone.

"Okay, Nora, Brae, Rafal and I will be travelling by Stymph, as we are villains with style. Hester and Anadil may join us." Sophie began.

"I thought you told us we were travelling by the Flowerground?" Hester questioned.

"Yes, well we sorted the Stymph transport sooner than expected." 

Anadil nodded, as the air filled with wingbeats. Bony creatures landed. The Nevers climbed on. "See you at school. Promise you'll visit before you leave darling." Sophie called down as they took off.

Agatha nodded and smiled, before disappearing.

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