Chapter 1 The Day that We first met

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The Day was the 14th of July the year 1881 i was in New York watching a play. later that day i was getting to head back to Lincoln County New Mexico because i had a class to teach at the collage. i had picked a news paper to read on the train. i had looked up and saw him Lawrence Talbot he smiled at me and handed me some roses. he walked me to the train and he also got on the same train that i was getting on. i sat down next to him and started to read the news paper. the head line made me feel sad it read outlaw William H. Bonney alias Billy the Kid has been shot and killed by sheriff Pat Garrett. i saw a picture of the young man. and i thought to myself how could that dear sweet young man be an outlaw? Lawrence had took my hand and said darling that boy is no an outlaw than i am. they had murdered that boy in cold blood. maybe in the future he will come back and get a second chance at life. we had made it back to Lincoln County New Mexico on the 15th of July after they had the funeral for Billy the Kid but sadly nobody went that dear boy's funeral. that night Lawrence and i went on our first date. and Lawrence asked me to marry him and i said yes i would marry him. we had set our wedding dare for 15th of July in the future and our wedding day is only 8 days away and Lawrence and i can't wait.

i will write more later on

The Day that I met my Truelove Lawrence TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now