preference 9; cuddles

516 14 10

TW: midori
request by: nobody

shin tsukimi:
-he loved being held
-he would push onto the couch and wrap your arms around him and buries his head in your neck
-and he would just sleep....
-for hours....
-or you would the exact same thing

keiji shinogi:
-this man will absolutely force to sleep on his chest after he had a bad day at work
-he would wrap his BIG ASS arms around you and try to forget about his hallucinations
-while you would play with his hair
-surprisingly wholesome??

sara chidouin and jou tazuna:
-sara and jou are the fucking same
-both touche starved, they both need a LOT BUT A LOT OF AFFECTION
-either it's hugs, cuddling or kisses
-you need to reming them THEY ARE LOVED
-so you sometime random pull them into your bedroom and cuddle for hours
-i mean- who cares about homework ://

ranmaru kageyama:
-he needs to cuddle after school
-it's like tradition at this point...
-he sit on his chair with you around his waist hugging him like a koala while he's doing his homework
-and sometimes he would randomly kiss your hair
-and you would randomly hug reaaaaally tightly to the point where he can't breathe
-i mean... he decided to show affection when nobody did it's his mistake !!

mai tsurugi:
-she absolutely LOVES cuddling
-she cuddles with you when ever she can
-finished work ? cuddling.
-stressing over work ? cuddling.
-one of you is sick ? cuddling.
-cuddling is the only answer to any problems

sou hiyori (midori):
-so uhhhhh...
-this is awkward...
-i mean... if he had genuine feelings for you and you knew it
-being in his arms doesn't really bother you even if he is a weirdo
-but canon him would NEVER have any feelings for a human....
-soooo uhhh let's say that any scenarios/preferences of midori is about his fanon him...
-because canon him is a toxic person seeing as he loves seeing people anxious/stressed around him..
-*cough* shin tsukimi *cough*
-but yeah if he was only a weirdo not a criminal who want to destroy humans, he would love having you in his arms :))
-not because you look vulnerable but he loves protecting you
-but he's still a weirdo so he'll stare at you until you fall asleep....

i just needed to say one thing about the timeline of each scenario with each character
so this is all before the death game (unless i make a scenario specifically about it exemple "what if you died in the death game" etc etc)
and about sou hiyori, he will have two reactions with each scenario; one where he has genuine feelings for you but he still acts like a weirdo and doesn't know how to show it and the other where he's an asshole who manipulate you (this one will not be romantic since i dont want to romanticize toxic relationship/behavior) also... PLEASE REQUEST I HAVE NO IDEA LEFT

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