Part 2

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Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV
I dropped the cup on the floor and started panicking, I don't want to remember anything more than I should...that horror that cause my limbs to shiver...I can't let myself spill anything else already.

"S-Sorry...It's just things didn't work out...I'll clean this up don't worry" I knelt down and picked up the glasses and took a cloth to wipe the coffee, quickly brew a new one and rushed to the office.

"I'm sorry for taking a long time...something happened" I placed the cup on her desk and she grabs my hand so suddenly, Idiot what are you trying to do...I expect her to just say a few words but she dragged me to the first aid...right I accidentally cut myself with the glass shatters.

"You're injured...can't you be careful, still the same person after all this years...such a Yeba" She carefully apply some medicine and wrap the bandage around the's just a small cut what is wrong with her.

"Thanks...even though it's just a small cut" I pulled away my hands and took a step back, what else do I need to do.

"So...anything else"

"Those files...organise them alphabetical order...and I'm glad you remember how I like my coffee" Of course I remember, I was the one that make you started drinking coffee with just 1 sugar...I have good memories you know.

"Babe, why are you putting 2's will be too sugary" a 18 years old Solar snatches the jug of sugar away from her and quickly close the lead.

"But it's too bitter" The younger girl tried to snatch the jug back only to have Solar slap her hand down.

"If you want it to be sweet...I'll help you" Solar bravely took the cup and drank a sip, kissing Moonbyul afterward.

"Sweet enough" Solar said with a grin plastered on her face, Moonbyul was blushing red and still frozen from what've happened.

"Very sweet..."


"Mhm..." I gave a plain reply and went to her stack of files...still an unorganised person even when you grow up, you are an adult least be more organised.

"Very sweet...why don't you make it sweeter"


"I meant adding sugar in...what were you thinking about Yeba" She...ugh...Why do I have to be stuck with this kind of boss...I swear I saw her dumb smirk after she said that.

"I'll organise your dumb files, just shut up and do your work" It's alright Solar...calm down it's only day still have to survive another 364 days with her, 16 hours 7 days I might need to see the physician after this.

Moonbyul POV
I need more coffee...but she is working so hard right now how can I just stop her so suddenly.

"Umm...Solar...actually never mind" It won't die to have no coffee for a day...

"What do you need"

"Umm nothing" She sounded so frustrated just now, imagine if I ask her to make coffee for me again, she will definitely get annoyed.

"Just tell me what you need, I am your secretary not your friend" She is right...she is not my friend or anything right now.

"I want more coffee"

"Too much caffeine is bad for your health!" She slams one of the file on the desktop making me shock for a brief moment.

"C-Chill I only had 2 cup of coffee today"

"Fine! Last cup of the day" Geez...I thought we aren't friends why are you being such a mother towards me.

"Confusing Yeba..." I continue typing on my laptop and found a picture of her parents...her parents, they weren't they best parents for my Solar...I did something I didn't regret at all, but at the cost of breaking up with Yongsun.


"Here's your coffee" Oh my gosh...where did she come from.

"Thank you, Yeba"

"Now tell me...why in the world is my parents photo on the screen" Her cold gaze can be seen through the reflection, she was very angry.

"You know what happen, I did a little research and—"

"YOU...BITCH! WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED TO MY PARENTS!" She grips on my coat tightly pulling me upwards, tears started forming in her bloodshot eyes.

"Calm down...Yongsun" I grab her wrist and tried to fight back, she grew stronger since the last time we met...she use to be weak.

"I KNOW THEY DIDN'T JUST DIE FROM A SINPLE FIRE!" Her grip became tighter and her veins were popping out.

"Byul...I have the documents you need" Hyejin perfect timing...I grab my keys and open the door...some employee saw what was happening but I couldn't care.

"SOLAR! ARE YOU CRAZY!" Hwasa quickly hold her away from me...remind me how crazy she gets sometimes.

"Hyejin...let me go...she needs to get a beating"

" are tired, go home and rest" Sorry girl...I'm doing this for your own good, I hit her neck and cause her to faint.

"MOONBYUL!" Hyejin yelled trying to hold onto the body.

"You know her?" I didn't know that Hyejin met Solar before.

"She is my girlfriend best what happened"

"Hwasa...I respect you as my friend, but I can't tell you this yet...bring her home please...tell her she fainted out of exhaustion when she wakes up...don't let her know what happen"

"What kind of drama is this Gosh"

Solar...why can't you just realise that what I did was the only option.

Wheein POV
I wonder how is unnie right now, I mean it's been hours...knowing her she probably will have a problem with her colleagues or somebody.

"BABE! Help me!" I heard my girlfriend and I immediately rushed to greet her, Wait is Solar unnie asleep.

"" I lay Solar on my couch and made some warm tea.

"Gosh...drama happened...Moonbyul is Solar ex girlfriend and I just wanted to give some documents and I saw your best friend gripping on my best friend coat." I choked on my tea and stare at Solar...she and Moonbyul...GIRLFRIENDS.

"No way"

"Yes way...and Moonbyul knocked her out...she ask us to just tell her she fainted from exhaustion or something"

Wow...I know Solar had a bad past with her ex girlfriend, but I didn't know it was Moonbyul.

-meanwhile with Moonbyul-
"Yes Eric...befriend her"

("Why so sudden")

"I just need you to distract her...she can't know too much"

("But what if she found out")

"She won't...she will not know that her parents are still alive" I quickly hang up the phone...If I find out where they are hiding...I will not let them off alive again.

They can't be alive...

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