Part 10

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Bold Italics=Wheein

Solar POV
"Byul...if I am dreaming please slap me, are they the ghost of my parents". Well at least they look like them...just a little beat up and old and maybe looking as if they came back from a war.

("Solar, Sweetie do you recognise your mother...we had wasted 6 years to find you") Probably wanted to sell my organs fast...I can't believe I use to call them mom and dad...and I thought they were burnt to ashes until now.

" have you been". How did they know I am here in the first place, and how did they get in...this place is strictly reserved for us one else but us are allowed in.

"I gave Jennie and Eric...1 job and they messed up". Moonbyul look as if she knows they're alive, have she been hiding this from that the reason why she installed cameras in my house.

("Who are you, this is reserved building and no one other than us is allowed in").

"Get out before we call the police for trespassing". Moonbyul walk in front of me and held my hands, she gave me a reassuring look before turning back to them.

("You tried to burnt us down back then, we should be calling the police on you").

"And you tried to sell my organs for money, we have even more reason to get you arrested". I didn't even realise I said that out loud, Krystal was just waiting for them to leave so we can continue with the important things...and they ruin my sweet moment with Byul.

"Listen I don't know if you know, but I can have you burn to ashes again...and this time I will make sure I have your skin sent to cleansing and made into my girlfriend new handbag".

("Gosh...sadistic, Yongsun listen to your dad and come home this instant").

"Wait...let me get this straight, you...murderers want to sell my sister's and my organs for money...almost died once and went missing for 6 years and you think...I will just shake it off and go home with you". In what place have they hit their head, what's the point of having police in this world if things like this get resolved that easily.

("I presume that rich maniac told you").

"And this rich maniac saved me from you".

("Enough is enough, Kim Yongsun you are either coming peacefully or we will have to make some bloody mess here"). They take out a knife from a carrier and points it towards us, but I wasn't scared at all...I have to deal with a pervert while being drunk once and I've tried to murder my own boss on the first day at work...and besides if I recall...Moonbyul...well she does have security after all.

("Sorry we took so long to get here, traffic jammed"). Jennie and Eric pins them on the ground and a few police came in, my parents were reluctant to give up and tried to fight them...and ended up getting tased.

("If you really think we won't be back you are wrong, you will pay for this").

"remember to get the milk from the supermarket dad...see hell". I smirked at him and walk to the police, sister to be exact...she was questioning Byul.

("I can't believe you had your friends called my whole division just to arrest my own parents").

"Unnie, what are you doing here".

("Your boss...had her friends call the chief and had my whole division here to arrest our parents, for trespassing and the selling of illegal organs and murder...I can't believe our parents were such monsters"). Even though she look fine, I know deep inside she is heartbroken...I really had to hide this from her for a very long time.

"It's alright Yonghee, we will be fine".

("I'm sorry Byul...I thought you were the bad one").

"Apology accepted, now if you don't and my girlfriend have some catching up to do". She carried me up and made her way to the parking lot, Yonghee wasn't even complaining at all.

"Let me down I can walk myself".

"And we are going to the clothing store, I wouldn't want people staring at what's mine". She handed me a jacket to cover my body, I forgot she is a rather conservative person.

Moonbyul POV
"I'm glad you finally decided to ask me out".

"I'm glad you finally forgave me for what I've done". Just a few weeks ago, I was so sure she would never forgive me even after my death, guess I was wrong.

"Should we tell Hyejin and Wheein". Those 2 idiots really had her drive to their house to bring me home that day, I almost thought I was in heaven when she came in with an apron.

"Let's tell Hyejin tomorrow in the office". I held her hand and kissed it, I've been waiting forever to do this.

"It's funny how just a few weeks ago, I told myself not to fall in love with you and now...I'm your girlfriend again, maybe we are soulmates after all".

"We are soulmates, and no one...nobody is going to change that...I Love You Kim Yongsun".

"Love you too".

Solar POV
That was amazing, I can't believe it...we are dating each other, I'm dating the most handsome lady on earth.

"I can't believe it...I'm dating her, I'm her girlfriend".

("She is also your boss...wouldn't it make some controversy in the office"). Right, I almost forgot about that too...but her being my boss means I can be with her everyday, and that means I can tease her in the office...sit on her lap while she do her work...kiss her anytime I want...have lunch with her...go home with many things we can do together.

"I don't care about what the workers say about me sis, and besides Moonbyul will be there to protect me from those co workers".

I jumped on bed and my thoughts started running in my brain, the incident from 6 years ago that made me hate was replaced with the thought of how she protected me from them...I wonder if I've never met her in school...what would have happen to me, I owe her half my my life...I think...I have an idea for tomorrow.

she's going to be so shock...

Next chapter is going to be a smut, I know some people are probably getting frustrated by the lack of smut in this book, but don't worry I won't make you suffer 😌

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