a kissssssss?

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(CW: nsfw?? idk a man talking about his dick a lot, you have been warned)




kaeya: how ur dick get hard after one kiss

childe: a kissssssss? 

childe: a fuckin kissss???!

childe: bitch i love you and my dick love you too tf!

childe: you touch my arm and my dick get hard

childe:  a kiss????!!!

childe: when i see your face my dick get hard!

childe: when i hear your voice my dick get hard!

childe: when you text me saying "omw" my dick get hard!

childe: one time my dick got hard on tuesday cuz i knew you was coming over on friday! don't play with me

[this is taken from an insta post i saw one time that made me absolutely lose it]

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