Chapter 1

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"Hey, do we have to do this Parker?" Chester whined. "I mean like, what if she can call the cops and they stay with her?" Parker sighed "Chester, the cops won't stay with her over night. Look, she's terrified and she wants us to help her." Chester groaned. (Big time skip 12:58 AM) "bro look at these house's Parker!" Chester exclaimed "People probably break into these houses all the time!" Parker pulls into Emma's house. Parker goes to the front door and knocks. The woman opens the door a little bit. "Hi, your Emma, ri-" Parker begins, and see's a woman who looks about 30/40 years old. "Are you Emma?" He continued "Yes.." The woman replied. "Didn't you say you were 19 in the email?" Parker questioned. The woman answered, "I- I am 19" "What?" Chester said under his breath. "What does she mean?" "Umm... Can we come in?" She opens the door and they go inside the house. "So, Emma, can you come and sit down so we can talk?"  The girl goes to the table and sits. "So, Emma you said that you think someone has been trying to break into your house at night." "It's not a problem anymore. I- I wasn't myself..." They hear some random noise from upstairs. "Uh, what was that? Emma do you live alone?" Questioned Parker. 'Emma' answered "My daughter's here" "What?" said Chester. "I didn't know she had a daughter..." Parker exclaimed. "Dude, she's crazy" Chester whispered "I don't think she should have a child!" "Dude" Parker started "Who's house are we in?!" Chester answered "She said that she's Emma, right?" "I don't know!" Parker whisper-shouted "Oh, she's coming... Oh.. uh, your daughter's in there?" "Oh, are you sleeping?" 'Emma' cooed "She's... beautiful?" Parker said unsure. "Sweetheart, do you need a bath?" 'Emma' said (Me: She's crazy) "Can you sit again, so we can talk Emma?" 'Emma' sits down while 'Stroking the Babies Hair' "Emma is there anyone else that helps take care of you and your daughter?" Parker questioned. "I used to live with my mother..." 'Emma' answered "Once when I tried one of her dresses, she caught me, and locked me in her closet for the rest of the night. I started to like it eventually." "I'm, sorry to hear that?" Parker said "Listen, we're going to make sure no one tries to break in and try to hurt you, so we'll be setting up camera's, since you said you wanted us to do that. But first, I need to talk to Chester. If you want to go to your room with your... daughter." Then, they walk to the other room and talk about her (▀̿̿ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿) "What is going on in this house?!" Parker whispered "Bro, she thinks that doll is her daughter!" Chester replied. "And, you're concerned about the doll right now?" Parker said "This is not the girl from the email!" Chester said "But she told us she was Emma! Is she cat fishing us?" "Bro, this is a woman probably in her 30's!" Parker sighed "How do you not see that?" "Supper's ready~" 'Emma' cooed "Bro, who is she going to feed that to?" Chester exclaimed "The dolls?" "I don't know, but we need to find out what's going on in this house." Parker replied "Let's go set up the cameras..." 

                                                        After setting up the cameras

They open Emma's room door and hear saying 'stop' "I think she's on the phone?" Parker whispered. "Hey, Emma, um-" "Stop.." Emma hissed while stabbing the doll's eyes "Stop!" Parker interrupted "Emma! What are you doing?! Okay, um, I'm going to put this camera in your room, okay?" Parker puts the camera on her nightstand "Umm, Emma we'll be staying in your spare bedroom, is that all right?" 'Emma' stayed speechless. "Why is she doing that? This is creepy" "STOP IT!" 'Emma' hissed at him. "Uh- we set up cameras all in different rooms and locked your doors in case that- person comes back.." Parker said. "We'll leave you alone" "Why are you doing this?" Emma whispered. They walk out of the door, and Parker closes the door "Dude, that doll looks like you." "What?! No it doesn't!" Chester replied "Let's just go to our room." Parker insisted. They go to the guest room, and open the door. "Finally, two beds." Parker said relived. "Um- I-I kinda liked it the way it was before..." Chester stammered "Really? You've gotta be kidding me. We finally get separate beds." "Don't you think we can like- push them together?" Chester pointed out. "Dude, we're not pushing them together. I'm going to use the bathroom."

                                                 The moment you've all been waiting for

                                                                         SIKE! I'm tired

Word count: 785 words

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