Chapter 2

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                                  Here is what I believe you guys are looking for UwU

Parker leaves the room, leaving Chester in the room all alone. He stands there for a hot second thinking. Then he decides to ignore what Parker said and push the beds together. When Parker goes back in the room, he just decides to ignore it and just go with it. "Dude, I think that there's something wrong with this lady, bro."  Chester explained "Do you think she doesn't like me? Because she yelled at me back in her room..."  Parker sighed "Why do you care about what she thinks about you? She doesn't even look like she's 19 years old! She couldn't even write the email." Why can't we just go home instead!" Chester pouted "I don't know who's house we're in, but it's too late to go home now" Parker answered "Let's just record her, and see what's wrong with her." 'Emma' is now sitting  down on the edge of the bed looking around the room. She gets off the bed and picks up the doll and rocks it back and forth. Eventually she sings. And then she cries into the doll. She starts screaming words like stop, or make it stop. She goes downstairs. Chester starts to wake up, he puts his sunglasses on and starts to go downstairs. He starts to record on the camera. "So, I woke up to use the bathroom, and I started to hear muffled screaming from near the basement I think." 'Emma' was lurking around. When she is out of sight, he goes up to the basement door and opens it. He goes down the stair case, and finds the real Emma taped up. He runs up to her and gets rid of the tape from her mouth (Ouch). "She locked me in here!!!" The girl said. "Emma, did?!" Chester exclaimed. "I'm Emma!" She exclaimed. Chester saw a fork from the corner of his eye, and he ran and grabbed it. He cut the tape on her legs. "Hold on, I'm going to go get Parker!" "Wait! Hold up-" She was cut off from Chester turning around and seeing that a woman was looking at them. She runs up the stairs and then closes the door, locking them both in. Chester tries to open it, but he find out it was locked. "PARKER HELP, WAKE UP!!!!!" Parker can hear the faint screams of Chester. He immieditaly wakes up and goes down the stairs. He unlocks the door, and says "What happened?!" "Dude, there's a girl locked in here!" The slightly smaller male answered. "What?" Parker exclaimed "Emma's crazy!" Chester slightly shouted The old woman found him with the basement door opened and started to scream as she ran to him. He got inside, and blocked the door. He runs down and goes to see a girl who looks like she's 18. "Oh, god... Come on let's go!" He grabs the girl and runs to the basement window. He and the girl both Climb out the window. As soon, as Chester starts to climb out of the basement, the woman grabs him and says "Don't go! Please! Stay! I don't want to lose another one!" Eventually Parker yanks him out of her grip and all three of them run to the car. "What'd she do to you?!" Is all Parker shouted when they got inside the car. "She locked me in there!" The rest of the drive Parker kept on asking her questions. Chester stayed silent, thinking about why the woman decided to do this and what was she talking about when she said she didn't want to lose another one.

I know it doesn't really have chester x parker in it but if you want you can leave suggestions in the comments! And stay safe!

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