45. Qiao Nian Got Into The Class A

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''Look, I've heard about the matter. I'd didn't teach her well, sorry to have caused you trouble. We are willing to compensate for what's required, and I'll make her apologize. Is it possible to not detain her?"

Fighting would cause her to be detained for half a month, depending on the severity of the situation. He didn't care if Qiao Nian was detained, he just didn't want to ruin the Qiao Family's reputation.

Qiao Nian mocked him with her eyes.

The young policeman glanced at him, and at Qiao Nian. Embarrassed, he said hesitantly, ''Well, Mr. Qiao, I think you've misunderstood. Qiao Nian...''

While Qiao Weimin was still confused about what he misunderstood, a car form Rao Ciry with plate number 0089 stopped in front of the police station.

Usually, private cars had car plate number starting with 00.

Just as he was wondering who it could be, the person got out of the car and walked towards them quickly.

The police man beside him immediately took off his cap and saluted. ''How are you, Chief Officer!"

Qiao Weimin recognized the man's face in an instant. Wait, who's the Chief Officer in charge of the southern part of Rao City?

The Qiao family mainly engaged in estate business, and it would be inevitable to encounter local ruffians casting trouble, they usually maintained good realtions with the police. He recognized the person, and his face changed immediately. He went forward to greet him and shook his hand. ''Officer Cai, I didn't expect to meet you here...''

He didn't hide his flattery.

As Officer Cai rushed here after a meal, and he suddenly stood in front to him, he couldn't react in time. He held his hands, looking puzzled. ''You are?"

''Qiao Weimin from Qiao Corporation. I was fortunate to have dinner with you several times before.''

Enlightened, he said, ''Oh, I've heard of Qiao Corporation. So it's you, Chairman Qiao. What are you doing here?"

Ashamed, Qiao Weimin said, ''It may be ridiculous, but I'm here because of Qiao Nian...''

Every word came out painstakingly, and he regretted coming here immensely. If he had known he would meet Cai Gang, he wouldn't have agreed to come to the police station no matter what. How embarrassing!

Little did he know, right after what he said Cai Gang's indifferent attitude changed. He shook his hand passionately and said politely, ''Oh, you're here for Qiao Nian. I didn't know she was your daughter. You have such a great daughter!"

''Erm...'' Qiao Weimin was confused.

What did Officer Cai mean?

How was Qiao Nian a good daughter when she got into the police station because of a fight?

Was there something wrong with his head?

As be couldn't figure out what Cai Gang meant, he carefully said, ''Sigh, I'm ashamed. She hasn't been the most sensible since young age...''

Cai Gang thought he was being polite, so he smiled and patted him on the shoulder to stop him. ''Chairman Qiao, you're too humble. If your daughter isn't sensible, then my daughter is worse. She's currently studying at Rao City's First High School, right?"

Speaking of this, Qiao Weimin felt even more uncomfortable. ''Yes, she just transfered there. Her grades aren't that good.''

''Haha, Chairman Qiao, you're too humble! It's a bit too much!"

Cai Gang smiled and looked at Qiao Nian curiously and doubtfully, but without any bit of contempt. ''I've heard that Qiao Nian got into Class A. In the future, she'll definitely go to an autonomous University. We'll have another talent from Rao City!" He said while smiling.

Qiao Nian?

In class A?

Feeling faint, Qiao Weimin's throat became dry. ''Did you get it wrong?"

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