182. Seven Pieces Just For 11,000 Yuan

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Outside the store, Qiao Nian was standing by the elevator and using her phone. She kept her cellphone away when she saw him coming.

''You've got them?"

''Mm.'' Ye Wangchuan had especially told the shopkeeper not to recommend anything to Fu Ge. He seemed to be in a good mood as he held the shopping bags and returned her the card. ''11,000 Yuan in total.''

Qiao Nian was shocked. She received the card but couldn't believe her own ears. ''So cheap?"

The last time she bought an independence designer's shirt for him, two pieces had already cost over 8,000 Yuan. But this time, she'd bought shirts, coats, and pants, a total of seven to eight pieces in total, and it only cost 11,000 Yuan? Even discounts couldn't be this great.

She looked at him skeptically. ''We already had a deal that I was buying you guys clothes. You dididnt fight me for the bill...but did you sneakily pay for it behind my back?"

Ye Wangchuan handed her the receipt. ''The receipts here. You can have a look on your own.''

Qiao Nian took the receipt doubtfully and looked through each item. Each one cost over a thousand Yuan.

It did cost, 11,000 Yuan in total.

His jawline was sleek, but his expression graceful. He had one arm by his side and appeared effortlessly elegant. He simply refused to take the coat off that Qiao Nian had kicked for him earlier. ''They were having a discount, buy one get one free.''

''I still feel that it's too cheap...'' Qiao Nian still felt uneasy. It looked real.

She flipped over the back to check. Oh, it was real.

''You bought from here previously, right?" They said that the one you bought is a limited edition piece, and you were entitled to pick any one as an additional gift. Moreover, they're changing seasons now, and and older pieces are being sold at a low price. So, this is what it comes up to.''

Although Qiao Nian was a little skeptical, she didn't want to think too much anymore, now that he'd said this. She pursed her lips and thought about the cost of the necklace, then looked up and said, ''Then let's go elsewhere and shop more. I'll get you a watch.''

Gu San carried the bags and followed them.

He saw how his Master was was following Miss Qiao as they went to get more items and could feel a thumbs-up swelling in his heart.

Master Wang, what a lad!


At this point, Liang Heng was speeding to the Tang Family.

The lights were on in the Tang household.

Old Madam Tang, Tang Qi, Tang Guosheng and the rest were waiting in the living room.

He hurried over and went straight to Old Madam Tang once he arrived.

''Teacher Tang, what's with that Qiao Nian? You told me that she's just an ordinary student and a child that Jiang family didn't care about since they didn't announce their reunion with her nor take her back to Beijing. But why is that I've been hounded non-stop today?"

Tang Wei had been flustered the entire day. She'd activated every contact she knew and still had no idea what was going on. At this point, she was even more stressed out than he was, and her voice trembled when she asked, ''Besides Mayor Yuan and Su Ting, who else?"

Liang Heng thought she knew, and said seriously, ''The Wei family of Beijing. The Wei family didn't come for me directly, but they approached the people above me. I know the vice-head Xiao is rather close to the Wei family. He came to tell me this afternoon that I should not interfere with Zhao Jingwei's matter anymore. Instead, if I apologize to Qiao Nian properly and sincerely, there's still room for negotiation.''

Tang Wei slumped into her seat, her brows furrowed on her exhausted face, ''That serious?"

Liang Heng was even more frustrated and flustered as she was. ''Mayor Yuan didn't even give me a chance to apologize. He got someone to investigate me right away! That's why I'm here to ask you, who exactly is Qiao Nian? Besides the Jiang family, does she know someone else? Dies she perhaps have a friend with the surname Wei?"

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