Hey Hannah stop I need to talk to you."yelled Parker.I can't talk to you right now I got to get to class."I said.about yesterday."Parker said. I don't want I talk about it.I said.wate Hannah please let me say what need to say."Parker yelled.fine what do you need to say."I said.it's fine that you said that because I feel the same way, I got to go bye Hannah."Parker said.wate Parker do you want to come over maybe after school?"I said.and I tuned around but he was not there.i said in my mind.that night. I wish he would come over."I should call him!"I said.hello." Said Parker. Hi this is Hannah."I said.ya what do you need?"said Parker.can you come over tomorrow?"it's fine if not!"I said. Let me ask my mom."Parker said excitedly.Ok."I said.sorry I can't my grandma is coming to see us so I can't sorry."Parker said. Ok that's fine I just wanted to see what you were doing but that's fine."I said. Ok I will see you on Monday at school."said Parker.love you I mene bye!" I said enbarrassedly. And I ran away.live you to." Parker said quietly.next day. Sweety I need you to go to the store for me Parker!"said miss liveingstun.ok mom what do you need!"Parker yelled.um I need milk eggs and sugar." Said miss liveingstun.ok I will be right back."Parker said.be careful."said miss liveingstun.i will mom."Parker said.ok she need's milk eggs and sugar."Parker said to him self.heyparker!"I yelled.oh hey Hannah what are you doing her?"Parker yelled.geting some groceries."I said.cool me to for my mom."said Parker.well I better be geting my groceries for my mom before she get's worried." Parker said.ok I well see latter."I said.