I pulled out my sleek black phone and called Parker. "Hey this Parker." He said after a few rings. "Hi, this is Hannah. I was wondering if you wanted to study after school." I asked. "Sure, how about my place?" He replied.
"Sounds good. Is 5:00 a good time?"
"Ya, see you then."
After School
Crap, i thought to myself. i have to leave in fiteen minutes. i quickly put on some mascara and looked in the mirror one more time. I was wearing skinny jeans, and an off shoulder shirt. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. mom was using the car so i had to walk to Parker's house. After about 15 minutes i walked up to his door and nocked. Miss Livingston opened the door. "Hello, I am her too see Parker, I am his friend Hannah." "Yes he said you were coming."Okay." i Said walking to Parkers bedroom. "Hey Parker." i said. "Watcha doing?" "JustTexting."Who? "
Brittney why do you ask?"No reason."we should get to studing."
I said. In a nervous way."So do you want to start with math?"Ok math that's good."I said.We have been working a long time I better get home it's getting late."Ok I will walk you there."No you don't have to."It's fine I don't care."Ok well if you don't Care." Mom I am takeing Hannah home I will be back soon."Ok bye Hannah." Bye miss Livingston."well so um I will see you at school then.parker said. Ok see you then bye."I said.ok bye."
Ok Hannah it's a new day if you like him you need to let him know I will tell him today."I said to my self. You can do it Hannah just keep calm and be cool."i said to my self again. Hey Parker I need to tell you some thing."Ok what?"I I I like your house it was so pretty um well I will see you class."You went to his house."said Brittney."Ya so what."I said.I am the onely girl that can go to his house."then wye did he let me go into his house?"I said.well well he is mine so stay away from him ok or you will regret it."said Brittney. I am so scared."I said in a mocking way.bye Brittney see you in class." i said in a mene way .what is your problem."Said Parker. What do you mene."I said. Know thanks to you Brittney is mad at me and now I have to here about you coming to my house."parker said. I am sorry she is mad but I don't see how it's my falt."Isaid.well it is."He said.I I I love you Parker bye." I said.It was silent and I ran away.I love you to."said Parker.i can't believe I said that I am so stupid," I can't ever show my face again." But I am going to have to at school."I said.