Volume 2 - Episode 2: Welcome to Beacon

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Ozpin and Glynda looked out the top window of the CCT Tower, at the Atlesian Airships outside.

"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels," Glynda said.

"Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man," Ozpin said. "But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore."

A noise came from his desk, and Ozpin turned to see a message that read "Access Requested" on his desk.

"Come in!" he said.

The camera switches to a low perspective beyond Ozpin's desk and facing the doors as they slide open to reveal Ironwood as Ozpin approaches to greet him.

The elevator doors opened, and General Ironwood stepped into the room.

"Ozpin," he said.

"Hello, General," Ozpin said.

"Please, drop the formalities," Ironwood said. "It's been too long. And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met."

"Oh, James!" Glynda said. "I'll be outside."

Ironwood watched Glynda as she left, careful to look only at the back of her head, before turning back to Ozpin.

"Well, she hasn't changed a bit," he said.

"So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas?" Ozpin asked, picking up a mug and a kettle, and pouring. "Headmasters don't typically travel with their students, for the Vytal Festival." He handed the cup to Ironwood.

"Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year," Ironwood said, pulling a canteen out from his pocket and pouring into his mug. "Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up.

Ozpin sat at his desk, pouring himself a cup of coffee. "I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned."

"Well, concern is what brought them here," Ironwood said.

"I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult," Ozpin said.

"Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men," Ironwood said.

Ozpin took a sip. "We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression."

"But if what Qrow said is true--"

"If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully. It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent."

"You know better than anyone, it will take far more than this army to stop it."

"We won't need to stop it," Ozpin said. "I have this under control."

"Ozpin, this is Godzilla we're talking about. There is no controlling it."

Ozpin smiled. "You overestimate it. Believe me, once you know what it wants, what it needs, it's not hard to control."

"It will abandon you, Ozpin. It is a beast of pure evil."

"A beast it may be," Ozpin said, "but pure evil it isn't. In fact, it has begun to bond with my students. It's gained a close friendship with Weiss Schnee. It even tried to abandon them out of fear of harming them."

Ironwood's eyes widened. "It found out?"

"It didn't find out much," Ozpin said. "Only its name, and that it's dangerous."

RWBY: Singular Point (Male! Godzilla! Reader x Weiss Schnee) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now