Chapter 2

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CW: mentions & brief descriptions of violence, drinking, and a bar.

"Which one is this?" Hinata asks, watching Kenma load up an old-school style game on a similarly vintage-looking hand-held console. The pair are sat on a plush, off-white couch in Hinata's living room. The space is cosy, and two mugs of tea sat on a nearby coffee table, smoke still rising gently into the ceiling.


"Right." Hinata fixes a focused glare on the screen as Kenma begins playing. Little pixelated projectiles and shapes move across the screen. "Kenma?"


"Want to sit on the floor?"

"Again?" Kenma sighs, moving onto the floor anyways.

Hinata grins, shifting to the couch seat directly behind Kenma. He begins to brush through Kenma's silk hair gently with his hands, enjoying how the strands tumble over his fingers. "It helps me focus."

"There's not much to focus on with this one. It's pretty simple."

"Mhm." Hinata begins to braid--he pulls three partings of hair from Kenma's head, crossing one over the other.

Kenma breathes softly, relaxing his head into Hinata's movements. "1979."

"Is that when this was made?"


"That's old!"

"Yeah. It's from the golden age of arcade games--I think it came out right after Space Invaders."

Hinata grins, grateful that Kenma is turned away and can't see his face. "Tell me more."

Kenma gives a low chuckle. "It's made by a company called Atari. Asteroids is one of the games that helped Atari become such a big name back then. It sold really well, too." Kenma pushes his shape to the left of the screen, narrowly avoiding a projectile. "It's one of the first big games to use vector graphics."

"Oh! So it was like an innovator."

"Yes, you could say that." Kenma pauses, "Kind of like you."

Heat invades Hinata's face. "What?"

"You're an innovator. You do things on the court that few other people can do, like your minus-tempo quick attack."

"Oh, well that's mostly the setters--Tobio and Atsumu are very good." 

"No. It's you as well. You hit the ball; you're in control."

Hinata's face heats up to an unearthly temperature. "Oh--uh, yeah. I guess."

"For all your confidence, you're bad at taking compliments."

"Oh, shut up. You just give me so many, I don't know what to do with them!"

Kenma tilts his head to glance at Hinata. There's a light dusting of pink on his cheek, and Hinata's heart skips a beat when he notices. "You deserve them."

Hinata's heart hammers against his ribcage once it resumes beating. "Shut up and let me look at your hair." He slides down onto the floor besides Kenma. He considers how the french braid gracefully pulls the hair back and frames Kenma's face differently. He looks smaller now. Gentler. Hinata tucks a strand of hair behind Kenma's ear, brushing a fingertip gently along his cheek. "Kenma? You're breathing funny."

Kenma makes no move to answer, seeming frozen in place. 

Hinata's phone rings.

He yelps and startles to his feet, knocking the mugs of tea over and onto Kenma's lap. "I'm sorry! Sorry! I can help clean it up!"

Kenma flinches, seeming to snap out of a daze. He shakes his head at Hinata gently, getting up and leaving the room.

Hinata glances at his phone and frowns at the caller ID. He answers. "Ukai?"

"Hinata! You know Zion?"

"The bar?" Hinata furrows his eyebrows.

"Yes! Can you get here as soon as you can?"

"What? Why? What's going on?" Kenma comes back into the living room with a pair of Hinata's shorts on and paper towels. He gives Hinata a concerned look before beginning to clean up the spilled tea.

Ukai sighs heavily, his voice crackling over the phone. "It's Kageyama. He's on another rampage, and I think you're the only one who can stop him without more people getting hurt."

"Fuck!" Hinata hangs up. "Kenma, we need to go."

Kenma doesn't respond. He just nods and tosses Hinata his car keys. 

"Thanks." The pair rush out and endure the longest two-minute car ride in history in complete silence. Hinata's grip is tense on the wheel, and his foot doesn't come off of the gas until they pull up in front of Zion. 

"Kageyama Tobio!" Hinata bellows, flying out of the car and into the bar. Kenma follows.

The bar is old and claustrophobic. One or two small windows nestle into brick walls covered with tattered posters. Most of the patrons huddle in the far corner, straining to catch a look at Kageyama, who's locked in a wrestle with a grizzly old man. His jet-black hair is plastered across his forehead with sweat. "Tobio!" Hinata launches himself onto him with no hesitation. He wrenches Kageyama's already-exhausted body off of the old man. He fastens his elbow against Kageyama's chest, ensuring he can't fight back. 

Kenma approaches the huddle of bar-goers and cuts into the silence. "Leave." They start to protest, but are quickly shuffling out the door with a quick glare from Kenma.

"Tobio! What is up with you!" Hinata demands, still pinning him to the floor.

Kageyama huffs, out of breath. He doesn't say anything for a few moments as his eyes sweep across his surroundings. "Kenma."

Kenma raises an eyebrow.

"You look even more spineless with your hair braided like that."

Hinata punches him square in the jaw.

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