HERMIONE J. GRANGER; secret relationship

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This is a little spicy so read at your now risk.

You and Hermione have been secretly dating during summer vacation. You and Hermione have to keep your relationship on the down low around the Weasley because you guys are staying at the Burrow. Ginny finds out and so does Harry. Y/n and Hermione's secret has been discovered.

Me and Hermione have been secretly dating for 4 months. We have been secretly dating because we don't want to not be bothered by anyone. So when I was woken but by Hermione a little earlier, (like she always does) to cuddle I wasn't surprised. During the summer nights it was easy because everyone was asleep. In Hogwarts it was always hard to do this but we came around. It was around 5 am when Hermione came for cuddles. "N/n, do you love me?" Said Hermione. "Of course I love you my love. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me." I said. Hermione cracked a smile and laughed "I know silly I just like it when you tell me." "I LOVE YOU." I said in a loud whisper voice. "I LOVE YOU TOO N/N." said Hermione in a also loud whisper voice. Me and Hermione kissed. Hermione later started to get ready.

Skip time to breakfast

Everyone was up by breakfast. I had helped Molly with breakfast and we ended up making some decisions Y/F/F .
(Y/F/F is your favorite food.)

It was delicious. Hermione was quite flirty today because she knew everyone was half asleep.
During breakfast it was really quite. Mostly because everyone wanted to go back to sleep expect me and Hermione but it's nice to have peace and quite sometimes . After everyone was done eating, one at a time me and Hermione left to the bathroom because she wanted a kiss from me. I gave her a sweet which turn into a passionate one and then we both left fast so no one would see us gone. She left to watch a movie with the Weasley's and Harry while I went back to Ginny's room to sleep.

Harry POV
I got my invisible cloak because I want to scary Hermione because I saw her go this way. I waited until see came out but I saw something unexpected. Hermione and Y/n snoging! What? I thought I was seeing thing so I cleaned my glasses with my shirt and then they weren't there. Maybe I was seeing things. I took my cloak off and went to the living room to watch a movie.


As I got into bed I hear a knock at the door. I open the door, to my expectation it was Hermione.
"Hi my Love." Hermione said quite flirty.

"Hello Lovely I thought you were going to watch a movie with the others?" I said a little confused. She's been act way to flirty with me today. I wasn't complaining but what could she possibly be doing this for?

"Oh well I was until I want to see you" she paused "and maybe have some alone time." she said.

That's when it hit me. She wanted me.

I close the door and peck my head to check if anyone is outside and close the door. I start kissing her and she kisses back. I lay her on the bed and start taking off her clothing while were still kissing . I start kissing her neck and Hermione moans.


The Weasley family and Harry were all watching a muggle movie. They were all enjoying the movie until Ginny had left to get her blanket for her room.

Ginny POV
I went up the stairs to my room. As I got closer to my room I started to hear noise from my room. I thought what or who the bloody heck would be in my room? I slightly and slowly opened my door and saw something I was not expecting. I saw Y/n and Hermione having sex. Oh my Godric. I close the door slowly so they both wouldn't hear me. I knew Hermione was bi but she never told me she was with Y/n! I mean I get it. I would have not told her either if I was in here position too. I stud there shocked. I took out my wand because I know Hermione and Y/n would do this for me so I put a silent charm so no one would hear them. Oh fuck. As I went down stairs to go back to my family I acted normal so I wouldn't spill anything about what I just saw. I sat back down.
"Ginny why didn't you bring your blanket?" My mother told me.

Oh my, the blanket! I didn't get a blanket! She's looking think fast Ginny !

"Oh I'm not cooled anymore." I said trying to act calm.

"Oh ok." My mother said looking back at the movie.

After the movie
Still Ginny POV

"Harry I know we're really good friends but can you keep a secret ? I really need to get this off my crest it's killing me holding this information! I said impatient.

"Sure. What is it?" Said Harry.


"What?" Harry said confused

I toke a deep breath and calmed myself .

I got closer to Harry.

" I think Y/n and Hermione are together and there not telling us!" I said in a whisper yell.

"Wait so I wasn't seeing things?!" Harry said confused.

"What?" I said confused too.

"ISAWY/NANDHERM!" Harry said in a whisper yell and paused "I saw Y/n and Hermione snoging but I thought I saw things."

"Well what are we going to do ?" I said still whisper yelling.

"Nothing for the meaning time I guess ?" Said Harry.

Hi lovely's ,
I really loved making this chapter and I hope you guy's enjoy this as much as I did. I will me making a another part just to tell you know. I hope you guys are have any amazing day and always remember that I love you and I care about you 💕.
~ Me

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