Chapter 2

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Rhea hugged Remus tightly before he took her trunk and side apparated to Godric's Hollow. She held his arm tightly as they landed as she felt nauseous. Remus rubbed her back and led her to her home. She looked at the house where her parents died. Remus led her inside and to the room where she can get ready.

"Remus, I have to talk to you. It's about Severus." She said as he was about to leave her to get ready.

"What is it?" Remus asked looking worried.

"He sent me a letter last week where he said that he talked to Vold- Dark lord and he won't raise his wand against me. He swore an oath not to harm me unless I raise my wand against him. He didn't want Dumbledore to know about it." Rhea said and Remus looked at her and his expression didn't give anything away.

"I'm happy that you will be safe, cub." Remus said cupping her cheeks and kissed her on the forehead.

"You are not angry that I won't kill the man who killed my parents and Sirius." Rhea asked confused.

"They are dead Rhea. I only have you now. I don't want to lose you too." He said in a thick voice.

"I don't want to lose you either. I love you." She hugged him and he hugged her even tightly. "I love you more."

"Remember, you will always have me. I'll be there for you at all times." Remus whispered in to her hair.

"Remus, why did Dumbledore and Mrs Weasley argued about you walking me down the aisle and you being the one in charge of decoration?" Rhea asked after sometime.

"It doesn't matter. I won't allow anyone else to give you away when I'm still alive. James and Sirius wouldn't want that either." Remus said stroking her hair. "Now why don't you start getting ready? The wedding is in less than two hours."

Rhea wanted to know more but she understood why Remus didn't want to talk anything right now as he didn't want her to be sad on her wedding day. She hugged him tightly before letting him go. He kissed her forehead once more before going out of the room.

"Severus, can I come in?" Lucius asked from the door and Severus gave a positive answer. He closed the door behind him before sitting beside Severus on the couch. "Ready for the big day?"

"Obviously." Severus rolled his eyes at Lucius. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this."

"You don't have to tell me that Severus. If anyone knows it, then it's me." Lucius shook his head.

"I'm grateful to have a friend like you Lucius. You've been with me through thick and thin. I couldn't have asked for better person than you to be my friend." Severus looked at him with a rare smile.

"I do try." Lucius chuckled. "Draco is warned not to continue his childish rivalry with Miss Potter."

"I talked to him. He promised to be civil with her." Severus said to him.

"I can't believe he is going to get married soon." Lucius said with a sigh.

"Who did he select?" Severus asked curiously.

"The younger Greengrass, Astoria. I was so sure that he is going to select Parkinson and was ready to disown him if he did that." Lucius said seriously.

"You wouldn't have disowned him even if he chose Parkinson Lucius. Don't lie to me." Severus chuckled at him.

"Can you imagine that pug being the next Lady Malfoy." Lucius shuddered. "She will kick me and Cissa out as soon as she steps into the manor as Draco's wife. But, he didn't choose her. That's all matters."

"Yeah, I don't think I can stay here with her in the same house. It's hard enough to have her in my own house at hogwarts. Not here too." Severus said with a shudder of his own.

"Enough about her. Let's talk about the wedding. Did you invite all of the Weasleys?" Lucius raised an eyebrow.

"I sent the invitation that I'm only inviting the elder five and Arthur but Dumbledore sent me a letter that I can't separate Rhea from her best friends and Molly Weasley who is like a mother to her." Severus sneered.

"I have to keep Draco as far from him as possible then." Lucius muttered before standing up. "Shall we go then?"

Severus stood up as well, he was wearing black tux as Narcissa said Rhea is going to wear a dress instead of robes, his hair was not greasy and he tied it at the nape of his neck like Lucius. He looked different making him more handsome. They apparated directly to Godric's Hollow as Narcissa and Draco already left.

Severus looked around and was impressed by the decoration. Lupin did a very good job and this is way better than what the Weasley Matriarch would've done. He was sure she would decorate the wedding in red and gold to show her Gryffindor tendencies.

(A/N: I added the picture at last. I liked the decoration so much. Hope you guys like it too😂)

"Lupin did it nicely. I'm impressed." Lucius said beside him.

"My words exactly." Severus said to him before going towards Narcissa and Draco.

"Is everything alright?" Lucius asked looking at Draco who sat with clenched fists.

"Yes, all good. Severus you look good. Even though you look same in black." Narcissa chuckled lightly making him shake his head in amusement.

"Are you sure everything is fine, Cissa. Draco looks pale." Severus asked looking at him.

"I'm fine. I just need to use the bathroom." He excused himself.

"Did something happen?" Lucius asked her making her sigh.

"I'm sorry Severus, I don't want your big day to be ruined but Draco couldn't control himself." Narcissa looked over his shoulder before looking back at him. "The youngest Weasley boy said some things about Slytherins and how his best friend is going to suffer her whole life marrying a snake. Draco loves you and couldn't take it anymore. He-" She stopped making them look at what stopped her.

"How dare your son hex my baby? What do you think of yourself? You ugly death eaters trying to kill my baby." Molly was shouting. Severus narrowed his eyes at the woman.

"I don't remember inviting you or your 'baby' to my wedding Molly." He said coldly.

"I don't need an invitation to come to my daughters wedding. I don't know what Albus was thinking to give her to a death eater like you." She was stopped by her husband.

"Molly, enough!!" Arthur said pulling her away from them.

"Why are you telling me Arthur. They hurt our son. Look at Ronnie, his face is all purple and his hands and legs are green. Bubbles are coming out of his mouth everytime he opens his mouth." Molly shouted at him.

"He shouldn't have said those things about Slytherins then. Will you stay put if someone insulted Gryffindors?" Arthur said angrily.

"You are supporting them-" "I would shut up if I'm in your place Molly. I don't want Rhea to think we didn't attend her wedding." Molly shut up instantly and glared at him before stomping towards the rest of the Weasleys who are mostly irritated except for the female and Granger-Weasley.

"I'm sorry Severus. Rest assured, they won't do anything else to ruin your wedding." Arthur said to him before going towards his family.

"I never knew Arthur Weasley would grow a backbone and stand up to his wife." Lucius said in a low voice making the other two chuckle lightly.

"He likes Rhea as his own daughter." Severus shrugged. He looked back at Ronald Weasley and had to admire his godson for being creative to hurt someone. "I have to admit, he looks better like this than before. Tell Draco I don't mind it at all."

"I said it to him but he promised you to be on his best but he was angry at himself for losing control just within a few minutes of arriving here." Narcissa sighed in relief.

"Dumbledore." Lucius sneered before his face went blank. Severus nodded to them and went to the stage where Dumbledore is now standing.

Rhea looked at herself in the mirror and swallowed. She never liked make-up or glamouring charms so never learnt it. The only hairstyles she knew are a simple braid and ponytail. How is she going to manage everything? Also, the dress is a bit revealing at her neck. It doesn't show much but she wants to cover it too. Someone knocked on the door and she asked them to come in.

"You look beautiful cub." Remus said looking at her in the mirror.

"Moony, I just wore the dress. I have to do my make up which I hate and I don't know different hairstyles, then there is this veil which I don't know how to wear it. The jewellery is so nice that I'm afraid I'll break it. I don't know what to do." She said in a rush.

"Don't worry. I'll help you to get ready." He said coming behind her and placing his hands on her shoulder.

"You will?" He nodded with a smile and she sighed in relief.

"So you don't like makeup?"

"No, people look artificial that way so I never bothered with it." She wrinkled her nose cutely. He chuckled at her. He did a light glamour charm on her which didn't change much but he did it anyways. He then combed her hair carefully not to cause her pain and did a crown-braided hairstyle. (A/N: I think that's the name, google it.) The jewellery was diamonds as she is wearing a white dress. The veil was the last one to be placed on her head carefully not to disturb her hairstyle. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She looked different and then looked at him.

"Thank you so much." She grinned.

"James would be crying already seeing you like this if he was here." Remus said squeezing her shoulder. She felt tears build in her eyes and blinked them back.

"I love you Remus." "I love you too." He kissed the top of her head over the veil and sighed before standing straight and helping her stand up. She placed her arm around his and with her other hand took the bouquet which he brought saying that matched the decoration.

"Shall we go?" He asked her and she pouted. "Do we have to? I'm scared."

"If Severus does something you come to me. I'll take care of it." Remus said seriously and she nodded her head relieved that someone are there for her to go if something happens.

"I don't have anyone else to go anyways." She chuckled. "Let's go."

"It's beautiful Moony." She gasped when she saw the decoration. The doors opened and they walked down the aisle. She avoided eye contact with everyone as she is so nervous that she might trip if she looks at anyone. The heels that Narcissa bought for her didn't help either. She looked around the hall and Remus really did a good decoration. They reached the stage already and Remus kissed her forehead before letting her go into Severus' arms. She looked at him once more before letting Severus lead her away.

"Ah, Rhea my girl. You look beautiful." Dumbledore said to her making her cringe internally at my girl. When will he stop calling her that? She nodded at him not looking.

~~~Skip to I do's.

"Do you Severus Tobias Snape take Rhea Dorea Potter as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

Rhea still didn't look at him once after she entered the place. She can feel his eyes on her all the time but she didn't want to do something stupid and she will do something stupid if she looks at him. She took a deep breath and almost missed Dumbledore asking her.

"Do you Rhea Dorea Potter take Severus Tobias Snape as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I-I do." The stutter was barely audible but Severus heard it. They exchanged the rings. While his ring was simple platinum band, her ring has a sapphire which is her favorite. She smiled a little and understood now why Narcissa asked what is her stone when they went to shopping.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Dumbledore said loudly and there was a loud applause. Rhea saw his shoes come near until he stopped just inches away from her. He slowly lifted the veil and placed a finger under her chin to make her look up at him. She didn't even know it and his lips were on her already. His lips were so soft nothing what she expected and warm. As soon as the kiss started it ended. She almost whined but heard claps from the people around making her blush and look away from his piercing gaze.

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Snape." Dumbledore said to them.

"Thank you Headmaster." Severus said curtly before leading her towards the reception area. He was walking a bit fast and she was afraid that she will fall down in those damn heels.

"Uh- Can you go slow?" She said quietly making him look at her. "Narcissa insisted on wearing heels and I don't want to fall down." He nodded before slowing down. "Thank you."

There were circular tables arranged for everyone. Rhea and Severus sat at the middle table with others sitting around them. The food appeared on the table as soon as they took a seat and she smiled. Remus did everything perfectly. She looked around to see who attended.

Rhea smiled seeing everyone she asked for attended. She wondered why Ronald and Hermione are here as Severus said he is not going to invite them. There are Malfoys, Lestranges and some other people who she didn't know. She looked at Neville to see how he is reacting to Lestranges but he looked calm. Did he not see the Lestranges? Also, she had to wonder how Dumbledore reacted to them being here.

"Is something wrong?" His voice startled her and she almost dropped the fork.

"No, Ronald is covered in purple and green, what happened?" She asked looking at Ronald and back at Severus.

"He said something about Slytherins and Draco couldn't control himself." Severus said with a small quirk of his lips. She nodded her head. "I didn't invite him or his mother or his sister along with Mrs Weasley-Granger. Dumbledore wanted them to come as they are your best friends and your mother figure. Also, I don't want an invitation to my daughter's wedding, Molly's words not mine." He rolled his eyes and she wrinkled her nose.

"She is not my mother. I have a mother who died. She is just Ron's mum and that's it." She said poking the food on her plate.

"I know." He said casually making her look up at him.

"Uh- How did Dumbledore react seeing Lestranges and uh- others." She said looking at people who she didn't know.

"They are death eaters. Antonin Dolohov, Augustus Rookwood, Thorfinn Rowle, Flints, Marcus couldn't come as he is in foreign, Rosiers, Yaxley, Avery, Travers, Nott Sr. Theodre is also out with his wife probably on honeymoon." He said pointing at each one of them. "As for Dumbledore, he doesn't get to say whom i invite to my wedding."

"Of course." She nodded her head. "So- um Vol- you- I mean the dark lord?" She asked him.

"The one I didn't point out is the dark lord. I thought you must've noticed that I left one. He is under powerful goblin glamour that even Moody can't recognize him." Severus said looking at the person with Malfoys.

"I didn't see him earlier. I just thought they are all Malfoys." She said looking away from him. "So, he won't try to kill me anymore?" Severus nodded his head.

The plates disappeared after that and soft music started playing. Severus stood up and offered his arm to her. She couldn't help the slight shaking of her hand when she placed it in his.

"I can't dance properly. I would surely step on your feet." She mumbled.

"Just let yourself go." He said before placing her hand on his shoulder and taking her other hand into his. His arm slid around her waist and she did as he said to her. She smiled at him when she didn't step on his feet even once making him give her a half-smile.

Others joined them on the dance floor after the first song. Remus came towards them after the end of three songs, Severus pulled away from her glaring at Remus. She smiled at Remus and even though it was not as good as with Severus, she enjoyed it.

"Congratulations cub." He said to her after sometime.

"Thank you moony." She grinned at him. "Are you going to marry Tonks soon?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"W-What?" He spluttered making her giggle.

"Even your cub is married Moony, It's time you settle down too and don't think I didn't notice you and Tonks exchanging glances when you thought no one were seeing." She raised an eyebrow and she winced lightly. "Can we go and sit for sometime? My legs are hurting already. Damn heels." She muttered the last part under her breath but he heard and laughed before leading her to the tables. He brought some juice for her and got himself a glass of wine.

"I hope you liked everything. I wanted everything perfect for your wedding. I don't fancy getting hexed by James when I die because he wanted everything perfect for you from the day he knew Lily was pregnant with you." Remus said with a small smile.

"It's more than perfect and I love it so much. But, you are changing the topic. When are you going to get married?" She asked him.

"We are thinking of marrying in the muggle world as the ministry won't let her marry a werewolf." He said a bit sad. She placed her hand in his and smiled.

"Don't forget to call me then." She said to him making him smile.

"You will be the first person who will know if we are going to get married." He said squeezing her hand. "You are my only family left."

"Now, why don't you go and dance with Tonks. She is making ogling eyes at you." Rhea laughed and he blushed a little before going towards where Tonks is. She looked around the garden smiling a little.

"Rhea!" She groaned at her voice.

"Hermione." Rhea smiled at her.

"Why are you alone here? Come, Molly and others want to talk to you." Hermione dragged her ignoring her protests. She had to hide her wince as her legs are killing her.

"Oh Rhea dear. I'm so happy for you. You are finally married even if it is to someone like him." Mrs Weasley hugged her tightly as soon as she saw Rhea making her struggle to breathe.

"He didn't even send an invitation to us. Your best friends. That greasy git." Ron said angrily. "And he invited those death eaters on top of that. Malfoy hexed me as soon as he saw me."

Rhea frowned at what he said and before she can say something. "Your dress is so simple Rhea. You should've let me or mum or even Hermione come to select it for you. I heard Mrs Malfoy selected it, look at her wearing such an expensive dress and flaunting herself to everyone but she bought such a cheap dress for you." Ginny said looking at her dress with distaste.

"Ginny, this is my selection and this is not cheap. It is 1000 galleons. Narcissa-"

"1000 galleons? For this dress?" Molly exclaimed. "Oh poor soul, those Malfoys really fooled you and wasted your money."

"Severus paid for it." Rhea argued with them.

"Oh that answers it. They said to you it is 1000 galleons while in reality it is not even 100 galleons." Hermione said in that superior I know everything voice of hers.

"Severus? You call Snape by his first name?" Ron exclaimed.

"He is my husband. Of course I call him with his first name." Rhea looked at him angrily.

"Of course dear. He is your husband." Molly said smiling and then looked at her neck. "Oh, is that also selected by Malfoy?"

"Severus gave it to me." Rhea said stroking her necklace.

"It must be fake. Look at the ring, a sapphire? Who will select a sapphire for a wedding ring? He must've got it cheap and bought it after a lot of bargaining even then." Ginny shook her head in sympathy.

"I like sapphires so he bought this for me. Severus doesn't have to bargain, he is rich. He bought me a whole new wardrobe with his money. This dress is not cheap. We went to France where Narcissa's personal seamstress designed it for me. This is simple but it is what I wanted. The threads and pearls on this dress are of high quality. Also, Narcissa is not flaunting herself at anyone. These are real diamonds and Severus bought it for me for our wedding." Rhea said angrily.

"Mrs Snape, Would you may be like to have a dance with me?" Rhea looked at the person who spoke and her eyes widened but Severus promised her that he won't hurt her. She nodded her head and placed her arm in his offered one. "You looked like you need to be away from them."

"Thank you for saving me from them." He nodded his head and led her towards the dance floor. She saw Severus look at her and give her a reassuring nod.

 She saw Severus look at her and give her a reassuring nod

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