Chapter 2 "Daddy, you was on TV!"

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Yay! Chapter two is here!! Sorry it took a bit, school started back up and I lost all track of my stories and when I had time to write I was to tired to do it :( I'll try to get better as things go back to notmal, anyways, ENJOY THE NEW CHAPTER! :D



Chapter Two

"Daddy, you was on TV!"

The next morning we got up early, like I had planned. We, well more like I (Bekah was still asleep since it was only 5 in the morning) grabbed breakfast and gathered all out bags, I packed a breakfast for Bekah in my backpack and sling it onto my back slipping my arms through the straps. I pulled Bekahs carry-on strap over my head and picked Bekah up off the couch, her heavy little head laying on my shoulder as she slept. I grabbed our bags and looked around the apartment one more time, with a sigh I pulled the door open and walked out, locking the door behind me. I went downstairs and hailed a cab. I put our bags in the back and got in with Bekah on my lap.

"Airport please." I said to the driver, he nodded and we were off.

"That's a lovely looking girl you got there" The driver said, making small talk. "How old is she?"

"Just turned two last month." I replied looking down at the sleeping girl.

"Well she's a beauty. So where are you taken her? Vacation or somethin?"

"Uh, no, Going to London. My brother is making me audition for that show, The X-Factor?"

"Oh yeah, my niece loves that show." He replied as he pulled up to the airport. I climbed out of the car and the driver got out to help with the bags. "Well good luck son." He patted my shoulder as he handed me our bags. "We'll be rooting for ya." He smiled kindly and lightly patted Bekahs back before getting in his taxi and driving off. I smiled a bit and gathered our things. An hour later we were on the plane getting ready to take off for London

~The next day~

"Bekah, baby, time to get up" Bekah whined quietly as she stirred in the hotel bed. "Daddy has to go sing today, I need you to get up so we can go." I said, pulling the covers back, brushing her hair back. She rolled onto her back and reached her hands out motioning for me to pick her up. I grinned and reached out like I was going to pick her up but instead started tickling her sides. Her giggles filled the room bringing a big smile to my face.

"D-Daddy! S-Stowp! I up! I up!" she giggled squirming underneath me. I chuckled and picked her up, setting her in my lap, I kissed her cheek before setting her on the ground.

"Go get dress baby girl. We gotta get going." I said getting up and going over to the small bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Otay daddy" She skipped over to her bag on the floor and pulled out the first thing she saw, she pulled it on and pulled some shoes on. For a two year old she was pretty smart. She came into the bathroom and pulled herself up on the chair I had put next to the sink for her. We brushed our teeth then Bekah watched me fix my hair. "Daddy, will you do my hair?" She asked looking up at me. I smiled and nodded. 

"Of course sweetie. How do you want it?" I had learned a lot of things since I got Bekah. 

"Bwaids!" I smiled and brushed her hair real quick, putting them in little pigtail braids.

 An hour later I was standing in line with Bekah. I had my number and we were waiting in the long line outside. I was holding Bekah close so I didn't lose her in the big crowd. After what felt like forever we were finally in the waiting room for backstage. 

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