6. New Recruit

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Peter's pov

I hide in the alley next to my apartment building to change back into my school clothes. I stuff my makeshift suit into my backpack and then I walk out being as casual as I can. From a distance I see a stretch limo driving up my street. Cool. Don't see those very often. Probably for some party.

 I walk into my building and into the elevator. It's about 4:45 so Aunt May should be home either now or about an hour. I step out on my floor and walk into my apartment. Okay, good. May isn't home yet. 

 I walk into my room and take my suit out of my backpack. I open the loose ceiling tile and pull up my desk chair underneath it. I stuff it into the little hole and then secure it closed.

As I'm getting down off of the chair I hear the front door open.

"Peter, I'm home! And I have a guest! You'll never guess who it is!"

Great. Now I have to entertain our guest until they leave, do my homework and then patrol the city. 

"I'm coming May." I say as I walk out of my room.

Holy shit. She was right.  

I never would have guessed that Tony Stark is standing in my living room. Wow!

"uh hey, I'm Peter."

"Tony." he gestured to himself as he and May sat down on the couch.

"Wait- uh w-what are you doin here?"

"Well I think it's about time we met. You've been getting my emails right?" As he said that last part he winked at me. I assumed that the wink was him hinting to me that he wanted me to play along. Because I had no idea about the emails he was talking about. 

"uh, yeah, yeah I have, regarding the uh-" thankfully May interrupted me. I didn't actually know what I was going to say.

"How come you never told me about the grant?" she asked me.

"The September Foundation right, remember when you applied?" Tony asked me. He's good at improvising.

"Uh yeah" I said a bit uneasily as Aunt May looked at me like I never tell her anything. I suddenly felt really bad about never telling her about this non-existent grant application.

"Well I approved, so now we're in business." Mr. Stark continued.

"Okay but you didn't tell me anything, What's up with that? You're keeping secrets from me now?" May continued looking a bit upset. 

That sentence was another punch in the gut, because as much as I love my Aunt May, she could never find out about what I do in my free time. I hate keeping secrets from her, but that's just how it has to be for now. 

"Well I just know you love surprises, so I thought that I would let you know if uh." I had no idea where I was going with that. I kind of thought that would cheer her up.

"Anyway, what did I apply for?" I asked as my attention went back to Tony.

"That's what I'm here to hash out."

"uh okay uh hash it-it out"

"You know, it's so hard for me to believe that she is someone's aunt." Mr. Stark says completely out of nowhere. The comment really threw me off. Why is he flirting with May?

"Yeah well, we come in all shapes and sizes you know." May replied looking oddly flattered.

"Wait let me just stop you there" I interrupted because that whole interaction was weird. I couldn't just stand there and watch them flirt with each other. Where did it even come from?

You could call it love ~ Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now