Chapter 16

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Heyo my bowls of creepy pastas🍜🍜🍜🍜
Brandy POV
The next morning I morph into a bird and fly into a tree to relax in human form. A faint static sound rings in my ears. "Slenderman, is that you? I just past you in the kitchen." I call out. The sound gets louder and I clutch my head.
Rachel POV
I can't find her. "Where's my sister?" Sally tugs on my pant leg. "Who's your sister?" I ask. Sally frowns at me, and sighs. "You're dumber than I thought. Brandy!" She yells. "Oh. I'm looking for her too. Let's look together." I say.

Brandy POV

This hurts like hell. I clutch my head and fall out of the tree. My head hits a rock hard. "SLENDY THIS ISNT FUNNY!!" I shriek. The static stops and I hear a low growl. Then everything goes black.

Rachel POV

Sally really doesn't like me, does she? "I can hear what you're thinking. And you're right. I absolutely hate you." She says and skips ahead. That was mean. "BRANDY!!" Sally sqeals. I catch up and see Brandy lying unconscious by a rock.

"Brandy, wake up..." Sally mumbles. As she says this, something red, and ugly jumps from a bush. Then another and another and another. "SALLY WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE?!?!" I shout. "D-d-demons. SATURU'S DEMONS!" She yells. "Go get Jeff, Nathan, and Ben. They're not busy!" She orders.

I start running towards the mansion and a demon jumps in front of me. Sally tackles the demon and shoves her hands in its eyes. "GO!" She yells. I run towards the mansion occasionally looking back at Sally. Sally be safe.

Jeff POV

Rachel burst into the living room out of breath. "Guys.... Brandy.... Sally.... Demons... I...." She collapes on the floor and we all start running around looking for them.

Brandy POV

I open my eyes and see Sally wrestling with a demon. "S-SALLY! GET AWAY!" I shout. The demon throws Sally against a boulder and the sound of bones cracking echoes through the woods. I get up and charge towards the demon. I head but it and it flies backwards.

I grab my staff and place it under it's chin. Black ooze seeps through it's mouth and eyes. I extend the blade and it pierces the flesh. Oh I like this. I push the blade and slice it from the chin to the waist.

Jeff POV

We hear Brandy laughing. We run closer and see Sally beaten and bloodied. "HA! HOW DOES IT TASTE?! HUH?! ANSWER ME DAMMIT!!!" We all look to see Brandy brutally mutating a demon. She rips out it's intestines and shove it down it's throat. She pulls the still beating heart and throws it to the ground. She gets off of the demon and jumps on the heart repeatedly. She stops and looks up at us. Her once brown eyes are now crimson red.

"Brandy...." Ben mumbles. We all stare at ger in a grin. "What I was just playing with him." She huffs. Ger eyes turn brown again and Sally catches her eye. "Sally!" She gasps and Sally sits up. "Whoa! That's beautiful! Did jeff make that?" She points to the demon carcass.
Brandy looks at it and gags. "I wish I could take credit, but Brandy is the artist." I reply.

Brandy goes wide eye and her eyes brim with tears. "I didn't do that!" She exclaims. Nathan pulls her into a hug and she cries silently. "Nathan, did I really do that?" She asks between sobs. "Sorry but you did." He pulls away from her and she clutches her head. "Whoa! What's wrong?!" Ben asks. I place my hand on the small of her back snd she collapses. "Make it st....op." That's all she says before shes unconscious.

Nathan POV

"Dear Zalgo... BRANDY WAKE UP!!" I shake her shoulders. Ben pulls me off of her and smacks my head. "You can't shake her dumbass." He scolds. We carry her to the IER and Slendy hooks her up to the heart monitor.

After hours of video games and waiting I hear,"Naaathaaan! Where are yoou?!" I run upstairs to the IER, and Brandy pulls the cover over her head. "Hey, love." I call. She pulls the cover off. "Take it off." She points to the valves that connects her to the heart monitor. I get Slenderman to take off the valves and she follows me to my room.

Brandy POV

"C'mere." Nathan beckons me over to his bed. I close his door and walk over to him. He pulls me into his lap so I face him. He presses his lips mine and I entangle my fingers into his hair. Our tounges dance with each other as he strokes my hair.

He kisses my neck and leaves hickeys all over my chest. He plants his lips back on mine and I wrap my legs around his waist, and he slowly deepens the kiss. He pulls me closer and slowly grinds on me, and I moan in his mouth.

The door flies open and a flash goes off. I get off of Nathan, and see Sally, Ben, and Jeff. "Ben, delete it." Nathan says. Ben hands the phone to Jeff. "Show Slendy." Nathan's face goes even more pale and Jeff takes off with the phone.

Jeff POV

"I'll kill you!!" Nathan screams as he chases me with his knife in hand. "Im already immortal!" I shout. "Ha! Catch me if you can brother!!" I yell. Sally runs up to me and I give her the phone. "Give it to Slendy." I hand it over to her and she nods.

Nathan tackles me and we roll down the stairs. We stop at Slendy's legs who is already staring at the phone.

Rachel POV

"What is it?" I stand on the couch and Slendy lowers the phone so I can see. The picture of Brandy on top of Nathan infuriates me. "Explain, Nathan." Slenderman says. Nathan and Jeff stand up and Jeff keeps laughing.

Nathan growls and stabs jeff 6 times in the chest. "Jeff!" I gasp as Jeff falls laughing. His laughing dies down and I press my finger on his neck. "You.... killed him..." I whisper as I cradle his head in my lap. "Big baby." Ben says while walking down the stairs and Brandy following behind. "Wha..?" I look at them and none of them are phased.

"He's not dead." Masky says. "Yeah just wait a little." Hoodie says. Jeff sucks in a deep breath and starts laughing again. "Whoa! Rachel! Your face id really close." He says. I feel blood rush to my face and he quickly pecks my lips. I push his head off my lap, "THAT WAS RUDE!" I huff.

I look at Nathan who has his arm around Brandy's waist explaining what happened to Slender.
OH SNAYUP! Is Rachel jealous...? OH COURSE SHE IS!
Alrighty my bowls of creepy pastas🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜
I hope u likey. 😛

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